New Hampshire!

Hey everyone! I know I'm not in NH, but I just wanted to let you guys know....

If any of you are close enough to help out these ducks, please, please, do so. They are in a terrible condition.

they aren't the only ones that need a home. if I could do it I would.
ill again make the standing offer of intervening in any way i can to help facilitate this.
Hello! I am looking for some adult Khaki Campbell ducks. I had a larger flock, but a few died, and I now have a drake problem. Does anyone know of any adult hens in the southern NH area for sale? I'm looking for 2-3ish.
Anyone seen what the price is for chicks at Dodge Grain ?
Is the TSC is Derry got chicks?
It's been a while and I can't remember now.

Also anyone know whe they get their shipments in? Dodge website doesn't have as much info like they used to on the chicks they get in.
EDIT: NVM, my tablet was not being nice this morning lol here is Dodge grain info.

Baby Chicks: Arrival Dates

March 3rd - White Leghorns, Brown Leghorns, R I Reds, Ameraucana ($3.99ea)

Ducks: Golden 300 (hens), Peking (hens) $12.00ea

March 10th- Barred Rocks, Buff Orpington, Ameraucana, Gold Sex Links

March 17th- Ameraucana, Silver Laced Wyandotte, Black Australorpe,

Light Brahma

March 24th- White Leghorns, Black Sex Links, Buff Orpington, Barred Rocks

March 31st- Ameraucana, Black Sex Links, Gold Sex Links, Rhode Island Reds

April 7th- Gold Sex Links, Buff Orpington, Barred Rock, Rhode Island Reds

April 14th- Light Brahma, Ameraucana, Silver Laced Wyandotte,

Black Australorpe

April 21st- Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rocks, Gold Sex Links, White Leghorns

April 28th- Ameraucana, Black Sex Links, Barred Rocks, Gold Sex Links

May 5th - Ducks: Golden 300 (hens), Assorted Runner (hens) $12.00ea
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Any idea if that means they are only getting in sexed ducklings? Pretty good deal if so, I might have to plan a trip!
Ducks: Golden 300 (hens), Peking (hens) $12.00ea

They ha e a poultry calander on home page but says to call if you have questions. I'll be calling before I go up later this week. I'm not sure what day they come in.

If you call before I do can you post here when their shipments come in? I'll do the same
Chicks are mostly females, I'm sure there will be some straight runs.
I picked up 4 p
Female chicks last week and they are So healthy happy, no pasty butt. And they are so good at getting the ones you want 🥰

Soon they should have started pullets in the big coop.
I'm in NH too, and wondering if anyone knows a good place to get silkie pullets? We're looking for a couple more to add to our flock of 5 silkies.
Dodge Grain, but FYI you will never find a SEXED Silkie Chick... you have to wait till they crow lol.
Unless you are looking for adult pullets or started pullets. Dodge Grain does have those but have no idea what breed they get, you would have to call.

You should list Where you are in NH so people can help you locate maybe a breeder or someone selling their flock.

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