New hen very nervous around anything.


In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 2, 2013
Vero Beach , Florida
I just got a 17wk plymouth barrel rock she came from a place that to me looked stressful. She is being separated from my flock now and she looks like she was pecked on alot.

Do you think she might calm down and be able to mix in. My polish hens are the ones that try to be the aggressive ones towards her when I had her in the crate near the run.

And what can I give her for the feather loss? I hear protein.

Yes, protein and she may eventually calm down. Chickens are creatures of habit and any slight change will make them stressed.
Imagine if someone took you from Vero Beach, put you in a box and carried you to Vietnam and put you in a house with a bunch of strangers. Do you think you would be nervous for a while?
A starter/grower feed for a while would be nice as would some plain yogurt.
New birds are a threat to an existing flock so they will ostracize a newbie.
Refeathering may not be complete till after molt.
Love, nutrition, clean water, big ventilation and a year, she'll be good as new.
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