New hens look disheveled

$250 for doing a farm visit this far away, $205 per hour of the vet's time, plus costs of any treatments
Well, are you going to do it?
It would be interesting to see what they say.

For me, that would be a "no go" but a lot of people feel it's worth it, so no judgement on my end.
If it were me, I'd treat the lice/mites, deworm, treat for Coccidiosis and observe them for several weeks to see if they present with any symptoms like something respiratory.
Feathers will grow back in, especially when they molt. Lice/mites/worms/coccidiosis are common treatable at home conditions.

Once they settle in and are eating/drinking well, seem to be acclimating and show no other signs of concern, then I'd begin the integration process with existing flocks, unless you have them for a specific breeding program and plan on them being housed separately to begin with.

Just my 2¢
It's a real quandary, but I went ahead and scheduled something. The person that recommended this place gets charged way less and lives a half a mile from me so I'm kind of hoping once the vet gets here they have some leeway, but maybe it's because she's an old client.

One reason I feel like I need a professional is I don't currently own or have experience with a poultry net and these hens are not easy to catch. Aside from a cute little barred rock, it was traumatic trying to get the Lavenders, but the 4th hen, an Azure blue, runs like a Tasmanian devil and we've NEVER been able to catch her. In addition to getting an overview of treatment, I want them to associate this traumatic experience with someone else if possible in the hope that they will eventually trust us more.
It's a real quandary, but I went ahead and scheduled something. The person that recommended this place gets charged way less and lives a half a mile from me so I'm kind of hoping once the vet gets here they have some leeway, but maybe it's because she's an old client.

One reason I feel like I need a professional is I don't currently own or have experience with a poultry net and these hens are not easy to catch. Aside from a cute little barred rock, it was traumatic trying to get the Lavenders, but the 4th hen, an Azure blue, runs like a Tasmanian devil and we've NEVER been able to catch her. In addition to getting an overview of treatment, I want them to associate this traumatic experience with someone else if possible in the hope that they will eventually trust us more.
I hope all goes well, keep me posted on what the vet says.

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