new here, new to our property, and getting new chickens, all since the new year!

We are probably going to build the house in the far north end of the property. So yeah well have a long driveway, but that's actually something we want. I can get into details about that if wanted lol.

We're definitely gonna have mosquitoes anywhere on the property. There's a lake an 1/8mi to the south and wetlands on 2 sides. Lol. Not sure how well deal with them just yet.

Thanks for the words of warning, another set of eyes on any project is a good thing.
We are probably going to build the house in the far north end of the property. So yeah well have a long driveway, but that's actually something we want. I can get into details about that if wanted lol.

We're definitely gonna have mosquitoes anywhere on the property. There's a lake an 1/8mi to the south and wetlands on 2 sides. Lol. Not sure how well deal with them just yet.

Thanks for the words of warning, another set of eyes on any project is a good thing.

Mosquitoes are easy. Many essential oils repel them and are safe to apply to bare skin, beneficial even!

Mosquitoes- citronella, lemon eucalyptus, peppermint, lemon, eucalyptus, catnip, basil, clove, thyme, lemongrass, geranium, lavender

Fleas – cedarwood, citronella, eucalyptus, tea tree oil, lemongrass, lavender, orange, pine,

Ticks – rose geranium, juniper, rosewood, thyme, grapefruit, oregano

Some studies have also shown, additional effective ingredients include: Neem Oil, Soybean Oil, Vodka, Garlic and Vanilla Extract.

I have had excellent success with Thyme oil all by itself at pulse points. I am the only one they don't bite when I use thyme. Works wonders!
True that drywall is designed for post frame. But what ends up happening with the way we are going to build, is, you basically put dummy studs in for such things. Really no problem at all.

I'm going to set the poured concrete foundation myself and have a friend of mine frame, side,and roof.

Not technically paying for labor, more of barter, as I've been working on his equipment to build up a bank with him. My labor for his, if you will. And he gets screaming prices from lumber companies, as he builds about a house a week.

We're looking in the 8 to 10k range for foundation and structure. Interior will add cost as we go, but I get contractor price on all that, which helps.

Also my sewer/septic I will do myself. All things that add huge $$$ but I can do for cents.

Oh, don't think it is all wonderful though, doing it myself is going to add lots of time to the build! Something that I'm short of.

But I also won't be making payments on a 100k mortgage, so if it takes an extra year and we are free and clear, I'll wait lol.

I will say look into slab etc when looking. The added cost of plumbing and heating can quickly raise the cost of a slab to we'll more then a crawl space or even a full basement.
That sounds nice. We just don't have construction experience and I'd be worried we would mess something up... So we will have the $100k mortgage unless we find something already built that is what we want and less expensive.
Mosquitoes are easy. Many essential oils repel them and are safe to apply to bare skin, beneficial even!

Mosquitoes- citronella, lemon eucalyptus, peppermint, lemon, eucalyptus, catnip, basil, clove, thyme, lemongrass, geranium, lavender

Fleas – cedarwood, citronella, eucalyptus, tea tree oil, lemongrass, lavender, orange, pine,

Ticks – rose geranium, juniper, rosewood, thyme, grapefruit, oregano

Some studies have also shown, additional effective ingredients include: Neem Oil, Soybean Oil, Vodka, Garlic and Vanilla Extract.

I have had excellent success with Thyme oil all by itself at pulse points. I am the only one they don't bite when I use thyme. Works wonders!
This is why I want a herb garden! It is amazing how many uses they have! Lavender is good for keeping many unwanted insects away =)

Got a few more trees down today. Just some little ones, bit it's progress.

And taught the boy how to make split rail fence. Was a good day. Was even warm too! Was about 35°f. So nice out I had to be outside!

Got a few more trees down today. Just some little ones, bit it's progress.

And taught the boy how to make split rail fence. Was a good day. Was even warm too! Was about 35°f. So nice out I had to be outside!
What is a split rail fence?
That is gorgeous! How do you build it? What tool do you use when cutting the wood?

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