New Jersey

I'm glad Lucy and Ethel are laying for you. I haven't been on the forum in a while and I was thinking of you the other day. :)

Yes they started about 2.5 weeks ago. Cute little white eggs. I feed them to the kids, perfect size, lol. They are my unruly teenagers though, love to gawk at the neighbors dog by sitting on the fence top.
Had a hawk attack today :( I lost Sandy my Bl. Wh. Ameraucana. She just started laying too, I think I've only gotten five eggs from her. I had the dog inside with me instead of out with them. It may not have helped. The girls where in the bushes, through the gate, at the side of the house and making noise. Not like them. Went out and was bringing them through. As I walked them to the back I scared off the hawk. Big red tailed. They are locked up now since I'm sure it's keeping an eye. Until I'm out more I will only let them out before dark for an hour or so. With the dog. I am sad, but it is a chance I take free ranging them.
I've also been dealing with a hawk :( It killed one of my Orloffs last week, and ate it right next to our house. We got within about 10 feet of it to get some pictures (I have to admit - I am also a photographer at heart...and the chicken was already dead). Unfortunately it hasn't left, and it's been, terrorizing all of the chickens, even the ones safe inside their coop - they can still see it flying around. It's not afraid of people at all, and it took on a nearly full grown rooster...

I've also been dealing with a hawk :( It killed one of my Orloffs last week, and ate it right next to our house. We got within about 10 feet of it to get some pictures (I have to admit - I am also a photographer at heart...and the chicken was already dead). Unfortunately it hasn't left, and it's been, terrorizing all of the chickens, even the ones safe inside their coop - they can still see it flying around. It's not afraid of people at all, and it took on a nearly full grown rooster...
WOW. I can't believe it wasn't afraid of you. I'm sorry you lost an Orloff. As this one was flying off, for a split second I was like wow which one of my girls is getting off the ground like that. Then I realized as I saw its tail. Plus the size. It was easily twice the size of her. Great pics BTW. The dog is out now in case it's still around. I don't have a resident rooster, although I have two splash ameraucana cockerels that I'm trying to sell. My one neighbor didn't like it when I had one, so I'm playing nice.
Kahlua, thank you for the amazing pics, although sad. I'm crazy always looking in the trees and sky when I let my birds out because we have one around that likes to watch but has never attacked yet. I don't think my husband believes me when I tell him a hawk can kill a chicken. Now I have proof! my dad bred pigeons when I was growing up and we always had hawk attacks. Sorry for your loss kahlua and Njchix.
Thank you...I was also surprised. My husband was home when it happened - he heard the chicken screaming and went out to see what happened. He said the hawk TRIED to fly off with the chicken, but couldn't, so it just ate its dinner right next to the hawks are only supposed to weigh about 2-3 lbs, the rooster was much bigger (maybe 5-6 lbs?).

I let one of my dogs chase the hawk away after I got some pictures - but it didn't go far, it flew to the nearest tree. I'd hoped it would have been terrified, but I've seen it every single day so far. It flew a few feet over my head this morning, when I was letting the dogs out. It makes me wonder if the hawk is tame???
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