New Jersey

Maybe it was a rehab release? Could explain the reduced fear. Well I'm going to keep the blue Ameraucana I was going to sell. I hope her and her sisters lay a nice blue egg. I'll have the second coop soon so I'm looking forward to some new babies.
wow. My father still has pigeons and occasionally a hawk comes by and tries to get one, immediately my dad chases down the hawk if he sees it and sometimes the hawk will drop the pigeon or fly away and the pigeon lives although in shock for a bit. I think sometimes they dont kill them right away but start pulling out feathers and they go into shock so if you can get the hawk off it they might live. This has happened several times. Your hawk seems very bold though, I might need to get a rake or something to fend him off with!
I am so sorry for your lost chickens! Part of free ranging but still sucks. :( I had the worst run last spring/summer remember? Raccoon, opossum, stray cat. The trap is still set just in case.
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I am so sorry for your lost chickens! Part of free ranging but still sucks. :( I had the worst run last spring/summer remember? Raccoon, opossum, stray cat. The trap is still set just in case.

Yes, I remember. It's just so weird seeing that big bird on the ground in the yard. At first as it started to fly away, I thought wow, which one of my girls is getting off the ground like that. Then it hit me when I realized. The girls are annoyed they are locked up. I will let them out again maybe Friday. With Mac though.
I think they're a bit better but i did see a tiny bit of blood in the coop. No more plucked feathers. I don't think the older girls let the little ones out of the coop today. I wasn't too upset about that though because the food and water was in the coop with them. At least they had access to that. I really think it's just one girl being the bully. Mrs. Pickles is definitely having the easier time of the two. today when i was cleaning the coop when i got home, zazzles insisted on getting underneath pickles. Literally under her and would peak out from under her butt.
I have 5 chickens, about 3 months old, who are free to a good home right now. One Australorp, a bantam EE and 3 Silver Sebrights. I love them dearly, and it breaks my heart to let them go, but we've received too much community backlash for having them, and are forced to keep them inside just to prevent further harassment.

They're all incredibly friendly and used to being handled, with the exception of the Sebrights, who are just a bit skittish. I'll put up some pictures when I get home from work later.

We also have a coop for them already constructed if anyone would like that as well. It set us back about $400, but we'd obviously be willing to part with it for much less.

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