New Jersey

HAHA!! Now I will always be wondering if we are standing next to eachother at the grocery store! LOL
You know the way daughters are.... my daughter is just going to **die of embarrassment** when she finds out :)
Kirby's Feed Store is located in Medford.  A great place over 130 years in business.  Sarah Kirby organizes a celebration of chickens day, called the Chik Chat.  I usually go and bring some birds to show, and there are some 4Hers there to talk about chickens.  Last year (?) there was a Purina rep to help pick out the right feed.  She usually has a big order of chicks for that day.  It's a nice social day, and then you can walk around the town - so cute!  She's working on the date right now - some time in April.

thanks so much mame1616! It sounds fun :)
Finally ordered an incubator! I will be looking for eggs in a few months! Yay! If I hatch out eggs from my dark brahmas or make some olive eggers (blue wheaten ameraucana over a mix of brown layers) anyone interested?
Finally ordered an incubator! I will be looking for eggs in a few months! Yay! If I hatch out eggs from my dark brahmas or make some olive eggers (blue wheaten ameraucana over a mix of brown layers) anyone interested?

What did you order? Was thinking maybe of getting a hovabator

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