New Jersey

I hesitate to get everyone's blood up, but some of you may not be aware of the virulent opposition some people have to chickens.  Check out this article - and the comments - from West Milford regarding a meeting about changing that town's ordinance against having a pet flock on less than one acre.  I replied to a couple of the comments, but gave up - these people do not want to be convinced they're wrong.  Just be aware that, if you move to a new area, or are trying to change the ordinances where you presently live, you will run into angry people like these, so be prepared.  I advise against replying to these people at this point, unless you have some positive facts to offer - they will not listen, and you will only make yourself upset - I know I was. But, on a positive note, the council seemed very inclined to the idea.

People are so ignorant. I hate when they can't admit that they are wrong.
Thanks again, It nice to have so much great information, suggestions and support just a few clicks away :). Well the Trees are going to be moved to another part of the yard,
1 We don't want to run the risk of anyone getting sick. 
2. We can not find a way to build the run we want around them and still have a secure run for our girls. 

We are welcoming a Australorp, two Ameraucanas and a Buff Orpington they are coming for Jersey Chickens in Jackson NJ.  We have experience with the first three, we helped a family member raise them from chicks and they are so wonderful, My 2 year old son LOVES them and they love him.He holds them and they eat from his hand, they run to us when we get the coop. We are hoping to have just as wonderful relationship with our own. I picked the Buff Orpington on reviews and I think they are beautiful.
I will be sure to post pictures of them when we pick them up as well as pictures of the coop   

Good choices! My BO is my favorite chicken of all times. She's absolutely the sweetest thing. She doesn't mind my kids either who are constantly chasing them and picking them up. They are beautiful too!
I just candled my eggs, they're about 5 days in. Unfortunately only one of the OE eggs is developing :( I have 9 EE eggs and 10 silkie/showgirl eggs that look great.
The marans eggs are super dark, and I can't see into most of them. I can see a tiny bit of veining in 2-3, but nothing else in the rest. I will have to try again in another week.
I might collect my OE eggs this week and set them next week...I'll have to stagger the hatch but I NEED some OE chicks! LOL
I just candled my eggs, they're about 5 days in. Unfortunately only one of the OE eggs is developing :( I have 9 EE eggs and 10 silkie/showgirl eggs that look great.
The marans eggs are super dark, and I can't see into most of them. I can see a tiny bit of veining in 2-3, but nothing else in the rest. I will have to try again in another week. 
I might collect my OE eggs this week and set them next week...I'll have to stagger the hatch but I NEED some OE chicks! LOL

Nice! I can't wait to set mine. I finally got a strip plug so I can start fine tuning my incubator. I'm hoping its still set correctly but it's been quite some time so I may need to adjust the temp!
I just candled my eggs, they're about 5 days in. Unfortunately only one of the OE eggs is developing :( I have 9 EE eggs and 10 silkie/showgirl eggs that look great.
The marans eggs are super dark, and I can't see into most of them. I can see a tiny bit of veining in 2-3, but nothing else in the rest. I will have to try again in another week.
I might collect my OE eggs this week and set them next week...I'll have to stagger the hatch but I NEED some OE chicks! LOL

I'm getting chick fever. And so sad about the OE. And yes we need some!
I have finally decided (after 2 years of raising chickens), that I want to do a Serama project and also a LF Mille Fleur/Calico Cochin project! So excited to get started!

How exciting. So where do you start? Do you need to find foundation stock? Great time of year for that. You'll be knee deep in babies.

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