New Jersey

The owner came over today to see me. He was extremely apologetic and let me know that his wife was just sick over this all night and that they had talked about taking the dog to the shelter. He doesn't want to have the dog destroyed, but has assured me that this will never happen again (I know, I know, I think the same thing and said it to him "until it does") and that they are going to enroll the dog in formal training classes. I do think it says a lot that he came over to my house (I was going to go over to his today to discuss this). He was not defensive of the dogs actions at all and seemed exasperated about the challenge this dog has presented them. Maybe the training will help. I have had several dogs go through formal dog obedience training courses and I feel it really helps. Too many owners don't really know how to train a dog and sometimes just get lucky with one and think they will all be like that. 

I suggested that we all (our dogs and theirs and all the kids) get together several times a week to socialize and that we also desensitize the dogs to the birds. My own dog is a hound and will kill a chicken if given the chance, she is also a runner so we have to be vigilant about her not getting loose. We are working with her as well. She must maintain a sit stay in the run while I let the birds out and goes in the coop to do the same when I collect the eggs, so far so good, but it is in her nature to hunt them. 

I stressed that I am fearful that the dog might attack a person, particularly my child and that even if the dog was being "playful" it could hurt her. I also stressed that continued issues would not be tolerated. At least we are talking about it and that means that we can solve the problem and that it won't be a surprise if I escalate things if it continues. I would have no problem with the dog if she trains well and is proved not to be aggressive toward people. Chickens are a whole other thing. It is a lot to ask of a dog to not chase the noisy, flapping, delicious smelling, creature that every instinct is telling them to chase. Keeping the dog from getting loose is the solution to that issue, making sure they are not aggressive will prevent a tragedy if they do get loose. 

I really appreciate everyone listening to my rant... it helps to have folks who understand the challenges. 

I am SO happy he thought & talked it through with you! Its great to see a concerned dog owner willing to work out an issue.
I wish you the best & hope all goes well :)
Tom Kernan has great birds. I'd never hesitate to buy from him.( Although, when I saw him at the Delmarva Show a couple of weekends ago, I only saw him loading Sumatras on his trailer.) Best call and ask. If he doesn't have any, he can probably direct you to someone who does.

There's usually some Ameraucana breeders at the Sussex show. May 16 this year.

Kristine, and everyone else, unless you know the birds personally, or get a reliable recommendation from someone, the eggs advertised on eBay are rarely SQ. The breeders with birds of that quality usually have a waiting list for their eggs.
I am 90% sure I got a black AM from Tom at the Sussex show today ( I am terrible with names!). So happy to finally get the roo I wanted! He had several blacks, blues and wheatons at the show. Pretty sure he sold them all.
Just picked up a bunch of babies from Jersey chickens today. Love getting baby chicks!!! Just went out and checked on them and I love to hear their tiny peeps. So cute!!!
I am 90% sure I got a black AM from Tom at the Sussex show today ( I am terrible with names!). So happy to finally get the roo I wanted! He had several blacks, blues and wheatons at the show. Pretty sure he sold them all.

I got two of the wheaten hens he had laid a really pretty blue egg this morning! I told myself I wouldn't bring anything home...but how could I resist?

Did anyone buy a big black roo from i think bruised acres farm? He had some blue birds, a trip of 2 black hens and a big black too and two other cages of birds, i wanted the blue hens but they were sokd( i think they were advertised as ameracaunas) . Some woman was there with her daughter and got a beautiful rooster from him
I got the black roo. We have been looking for a while and had hoped to find one at this show. We kept running back and forth from the show building to the selling building hoping to catch Tom..We were very afraid he'd be sold! Did Tom sell the birds he was showing? He had 2 black roos in the show.

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