New Jersey

Kahlua, where in hope/Blairstown are you? You can PM me if you'd like. I'm in hope. Unfortunately I can take any more roos but may be able to help you figure something out
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I can get my husband to cull if absolutely necessary, but I wanted to at least try to save them! Especially since they are not just sex links...

Chickerdoodle, I am near the old Darkmoon Tavern, if you know where that is.
That sounds familiar but I can't picture where it is exactly. I'm sure I'd know exactly where it is if I drove past.

I have a few roos I'm looking to get rid of too. I was supposed to bring them to an animal adoption day tomorrow but looks like that will be canceled. I went to the hackettstown auction the other day and roos were selling for quite a bit. I think I will have to bring those two there on Tuesday. I would have rather they found good homes but haven't had luck on that front. I bought these guys from auction last spring with a bunch of hens so at least they had a good life while they were with me.
How much do they go for in Hacksttstown? I don't have any other extra roos right now, but I'm sure I'll have some in the spring.
Standard roos were selling for about six or seven dollars. Bantam roos were going about three dollars. It was shocking because hens were only selling for about two bucks a piece.

I'm showing at Delmarva this year. Usually I just go and visit, because it's a two-day show, and I didn't want to pay for another night's stay. It's not big, but a very nice show. No sale area, though, really, just a couple of cages in the back if they have the room.

You can find a list of the shows on They are listed by state and month. Our Spring Show in Sussex is May 18th at the State Fairgrounds in Augusta, NJ.

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