New Jersey

Hi- we are new to New jersey, and are in the southwest area in Cumberland county. Very rural and beautiful here! Starting out with a mixed flock right now. We have 2 roosters because and extra one came with our order, so interested to see how that works out! At least they are being raised together... :)
Welcome to BYC! So happy to have you join us!
It must be so nice living in a rural area! :love
Hi- we are new to New jersey, and are in the southwest area in Cumberland county. Very rural and beautiful here! Starting out with a mixed flock right now. We have 2 roosters because and extra one came with our order, so interested to see how that works out! At least they are being raised together... :)
Welcome to BYC AND New Jersey!
I live it the exact opposite of you, Northwest NJ. Think Delaware Water Gap.
Hi does anyone know where I can purchase a chicken coop in northern NJ for 6 chickens ish? Looking for it to be easy to put together or already assembled. Used or new is fine. Thank you
@KrissyroxNJ I live in Northwest NJ, Warren County near the Gap. I have 6 hens and 1 rooster. I've bought the "easy to put together" little coop rated good for 8 chickens. Don't believe them, they hold 2 max. They cheat the numbers by including the dimensions of the attached run and the nest area. That "run" is another joke. A crowded coop will cause the birds to fight, sometime causing death.
You need minimum of 4sqft for each bird for just the coop, not including the run or the nest area. 6 birds will need 24sqft, basically a 6ft by 4ft coop or bigger. You could build one probably cheaper than buying a small useless coop. If you have the finances you could very easily buy a wood shed kit from Home Depot or Lowe's, not impossible to assemble and easily made into a good coop.
Chickens also need a run minimum 10sqft/bird. 6 birds need minimal 60sqft, basically 6ft by 10 ft, covered with 1/2 inch hardware cloth NOT chicken wire to keep out predators. Predators also dig so you need to put a 2ft wide apron around the entire coop and run. If you have hawks or owls or other flying predators you would do yourself and your chickens a favor to cover the top with the same hardware cloth.
We're all here to help, this is a great place to turn to. Have a look around. Good luck! And WELCOME TO BYC!:welcome

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