New Mexico

We had some flurries here in the middle of the state. Nothing stayed though, thankfully. However we did wind up with drizzling rain after noon.

Good for the yard. Chickens don't care for it though.
Hi all, I'm from over between Grants and Gallup and I have a small flock of chickens and ducks and Geese. I'm always looking for Colored Muscovy ducks if anyone knows of any near by. I've only go solid white ones at the moment.
Hi Dunappy! I'm in Socorro. Have you tried Craigslist?

This advertisement has some pretty ones! I don't know if it's what you want though.

There's also a Facebook page for the Edgewood Poultry Swap with a ton of people from ABQ, they might have Muscovies in the colouring you want.
Quiet on the NM thread. How's the spring hatching going? I have Cochins and Ameraucanas coming out my ears and have just started with the bantam Brahmas.
I've got an additional 10 chicks.
I've got 4 partridge silkies, 2 sultans, 3 EEs and 1 PR. The first 6 bantams I got just over 2 weeks ago, and then we got the last 4 today. The biggers are dive bombing the babies, but I'm pretty sure they are going to settle in together just fine. I hope.
I give the babies about a week before they are bigger, lol. Then the next thing I get to think about is integrating all of them in with my big girls..... fun!

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