New Mexico

NMexicans know their geography!
Can't tell you how many times I've been asked what country I live in and had to explain that yes, NM, IS in the USA.
And then there was the utility guy in the alley that said I was a foreigner because I didn't have a southern accent.

HAHA!! You can have some of my accent if you want! I hate it! I'm blonde #1 then I open my mouth and start to twang and ohhh no! People's eyes glaze over and I bet they are thinking I'm one brick shy of a load!

Thanks a lot Kentucky!
Colie <3 :

HAHA!! You can have some of my accent if you want! I hate it! I'm blonde #1 then I open my mouth and start to twang and ohhh no! People's eyes glaze over and I bet they are thinking I'm one brick shy of a load!

Thanks a lot Kentucky!

I'll bet he would have called you a foreigner too! Seriously, though, I ♥♥♥ the accents, even though being from Mi, I don't really have one, doncha know?
I'll bet you have people trying to figure out what part of Tx that accent came from,
Love it!​
I'll bet he would have called you a foreigner too! Seriously, though, I ♥♥♥ the accents, even though being from Mi, I don't really have one, doncha know?
I'll bet you have people trying to figure out what part of Tx that accent came from,
Love it!

Ok imagine this if you will.... I lived in Michigan until high school then moved to Kentucky...Mix those two and you've got my accent! Ohh it's weird! Hearing me say like "root" or "roof" in the same sentence with someone like "ya'll"
I only get really nasal with the "lower Canadian" accent if I'm mad
Just found this thread. I'm excited now to know that there a people close by that understand our unique area and constantly changing weather. I'm from Pecos, just north of Santa Fe. Not Pecos TX lol
When I drove to TN for a wedding when I was pregnant with my son people failed to read the NEW on the New Mexico plates. I got asked 3 times in less than an hour if I had moved to TN so I could have my baby legally!
and how did you answer? lol I got pulled over in Ohio because when you get a DWI there you are issued a yellow plate with red lettering. I saw the officer hover near the back of the car... then when he asked if I knew why I got pulled over I said, "Of course, you thought I had a DWI plate not a New Mexico plate" He laughed and said, "You know about those, huh?"
He wasnt the first to pull me over! I hate driving my car there!
OMGOODNESS! Only in TN!! Haha! If I'm not mistaken people from that state are required to prove they aren't in relation to the person they are marrying...just saying! jk jk
Hey Mike Good to have you here Dont let these women Scare you They are harmless just jump right in and we will keep them under control If you are down this way stop by for coffee.
Hello everyone,

I have quite a few chickens, RIR, Barred Rocks, Australorps and a few mixed breeds. I also have a couple Geese and Runner Ducks. I have a goose sitting on some eggs now so I'm hoping she'll hatch some this year. I am trying to start a flock of FBCM but haven't been having any success with my incubator. I have some more coming in next week so hopefully those will hatch.

cathunter10 next time I go down that way I will let you know.

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