New Mexico

Colie <3 :

wow 90 days already? Who wants to beat there won't be any precipitation coming any time soon either?
I try and keep it up over 65% for lockdown as well usually peaks at about 75% then decreases as the hatch starts to wind down. Days 1-18 what's your humidity? Do you mist every day even during 1-18?

I keep it at least at 65% the first 18 days, and I do mist it even during those days. My classroom has refrigerated air that dries it out even more so I mist it twice a day there. At home only once a day. The last 3 days I keep it close to 80% in class and 75% at home. You have to remember at school the 'bator gets opened and closed a lot because we candle and photograph the eggs every day including during lockdown. For me, lockdown does not exist.​
wow 90 days already? Who wants to beat there won't be any precipitation coming any time soon either?
I try and keep it up over 65% for lockdown as well usually peaks at about 75% then decreases as the hatch starts to wind down. Days 1-18 what's your humidity? Do you mist every day even during 1-18?

I keep it at least at 65% the first 18 days, and I do mist it even during those days. My classroom has refrigerated air that dries it out even more so I mist it twice a day there. At home only once a day. The last 3 days I keep it close to 80% in class and 75% at home. You have to remember at school the 'bator gets opened and closed a lot because we candle and photograph the eggs every day including during lockdown. For me, lockdown does not exist.

Hmm sounds good in theory if you aren't having any drowned chicks. Maybe I'll try a batch like that and see what it does for my hatch rate... Honestly couldn't hurt lol
Out of the 42 eggs we set 10 weren't fertile and one developed a blood ring right away. that left 31 eggs, 1 was extremely porous and I didn't expect anything to happen but it formed veins and then a blood ring within the first week. The second one I posted pics of that showed what looked like an internal crack, I thought it formed veins but it turned to be cracks. The others all hatched and were very healthy. We had one little Banty egg that did get too dry and I had to help it over the course of about 13 hours and it's doing great. I've never had any drown, get seriously shrink-wrapped, or any other really bad problems. A lot get really ruffled at me because I don't adhere to the "lockdown" fear factor lol,, but I watch my girls and I see them get up and eat and drink, take dirt baths, etc. during the last 3 days. So I don't see why I have to keep my bator closed and watch little ones struggle to hatch and possible die because I can't open it during that time. When I see my hens not move for 3 days I'll think about it, but I don't think that will happen lol!
oh I can definitely see the rational in that! I've helped chicks out but only when their membrane dries out like paper and they don't have a chance of getting out after 12+ hours of struggle. Things I can blame on myself I won't let a chick die over
I think your DH was a little surprised.
How many are going under a broody, and how many are you going to subject to your incubator.
I expect pictures of my grandchickies. Happy hatching!

Hahaha- yes, he was surprised, and he was like, "Um, what are you going to do with these?" lol Well, put them in the incubator, of course!!! LOL Getting him to pick up the eggs and chicks is genius... then I don't have to sneak in more birds!

I put a dozen, half lav, half b/b, under a broody, and the other 2 dozen I squeezed into my incubator... Hubby said- "better not count on those hatching!" Ugh. I get them to about day 18 before they die, now. I get about 2 from a dozen eggs. WTH? I want a new bator- my birthday isn't coming up soon enough! lol

I had my wisdom teeth taken out yesterday... the doctor told me that I would sleep all yesterday and last night, then feel great today, then feel bad tomorrow.... well, I slept the 2 hours home, then I was wired... stayed up until 2 am (very odd for me! I go to bed at 8!) than woke up at 5:30. I have been up since. I am wired, loopy, crazy, and aggravated because hubby and Mom wont let me work. BUT I'm not in any pain, thanks to the pills... lol
Colie <3 :

Anyone care to guess if a bantam ameruacana could fly over a 7ft fence? My Peepers is gone without a trace, weird...

Hawk? I hope not...​
Hawk? I hope not...

I hadn't even thought of that! Maybe... I've never seen one around here though. I found 4 of her feathers in one spot but that's it. I figured if the dog scarfed her down somehow there would be a lot more of a mess. I really just don't know ugh! I'm sad now
She was my only one, I have 15 eggs in my bator that are the bantam lavender ameraucana from the same breeder but I have a horrible luck with them dying late in incubation as well. Booooo
I think your DH was a little surprised.
How many are going under a broody, and how many are you going to subject to your incubator.
I expect pictures of my grandchickies. Happy hatching!

Hahaha- yes, he was surprised, and he was like, "Um, what are you going to do with these?" lol Well, put them in the incubator, of course!!! LOL Getting him to pick up the eggs and chicks is genius... then I don't have to sneak in more birds!

I put a dozen, half lav, half b/b, under a broody, and the other 2 dozen I squeezed into my incubator... Hubby said- "better not count on those hatching!" Ugh. I get them to about day 18 before they die, now. I get about 2 from a dozen eggs. WTH? I want a new bator- my birthday isn't coming up soon enough! lol

I had my wisdom teeth taken out yesterday... the doctor told me that I would sleep all yesterday and last night, then feel great today, then feel bad tomorrow.... well, I slept the 2 hours home, then I was wired... stayed up until 2 am (very odd for me! I go to bed at 8!) than woke up at 5:30. I have been up since. I am wired, loopy, crazy, and aggravated because hubby and Mom wont let me work. BUT I'm not in any pain, thanks to the pills... lol

LOL you might be going bonkers because of the pain pills. Vicodin and a couple others make me wired and I can't fall into a deep sleep even if I try. Benedryl does the same thing to me. No fun! Hope you get some sleep soon
Im thinking it must be the codeine... I have never taken it before, expected that it would make me sleepy and sick to my stomach (because thats what it does to everyone I know whos taken it, and thats what the doctor told me to expect). But it must be whats doing it to me, and I'm HATING it!!!! But it DOES do a good job of controlling the pain!!! I got all 4 taken out which is a good thing because there's no way I'd do this again!!!

Okay... do we pronounce your name like a collie dog, or how?
I'm envious of people that can take pain meds and not have side effects that make them almost not worth taking lol Gotta deal if you're in pain though. How many more days are you supposed to take the meds? I need mine out as well but I'm terrified! I've never even had a cavity filled!

I'm on a roll cause this is the second time in two days someone has asked me

Not that I mind, I think it's just the written format that throws people off. My first name is really Nîchole so it's pronounced like Nicole would be in french except that my mom threw in a "H" to be different. (bold font to see the circumflex) So Knee-Coal. Nobody except my old french teacher and my late grandma ever said it correctly lol I don't even say my first name correctly because it confuses people haha Anyhow my friends over the years shorted it to Cole or Colie and here I am. Coal-E.

Like Wall-E come to think of it

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