New Mexico

My broody is still sitting on Blaundee's eggs. I was able to check them while she was off the nest for her daily constitutional yesterday. It looked like another egg had been broken/eaten in the nest (I have 1 hen who is laying very thin-shelled eggs right now) but all 10 of the fertile eggs were still there.
Hay Bill ..We have ben sure geting lot's of yote's iv never seen thim so bad..It's cooled down hear today hope it rain's soon..Bird's are doing good lot's hatching out
An bot alot from a guy ..
I honestly wouldn'tbe surprised if I have Pteradactyls and Sasquatch coming around... GRRR!

Lets see- Hawks, owls, coyotes and bobcats are the worst ones, and the ones that I KNOW have been here. The yotes and hawks only get them if they are out of the house (the pens are not covered yet, so they are not allowed out in the pens- but they do escape and then get eaten right away. The owls and bobcat will actually go inside the house, and the bobcat will visit in broad daylight.

I also have bears, mountain lions, fox, ringtail cats, and occassional raccoons come by, but so far haven't had them bother the chickens. With everyone tucked in tight, especially at night, I think they will be safe from all but a bear. SIGH!!!

Well, I'm off to see the dentist about my wisdom teeth... YIKES!!!
I'm trying to decide how & when to tell my husband I put fertile eggs under the broody

He's afraid to disturb her, so he won't notice unless he happens to check for eggs when she's off the nest.
Of course, it will be hard to hide baby chicks...
The biggest problem is that those baby chicks are going to require a new coop.
Good Morning New Mexico And once agin the weekend is upon us .The hot weather is going to be here soon so If we have any thing that needs done we had better get with it.

I heard the Easter Bunny was responsible for this. We will back you on that, and besides who can stay mad at the Easter Bunny!

LOL Of COURSE the Easter Bunny brought them! They are, after all, EASTER eggers!!!
Busted! Hubby just came in & told me "you should go check because it looks like that broody girl is sitting on a bunch of eggs." I guess I could have played dumb, but I went ahead & admitted that I put them under her. The next questions was "where did you get them?" I said "from someone I met on the chicken website"
My hubby told me today that I wasn't going to be happy until I got a THOUSAND chickens!!! I told him, no, I'm happy, I don't need a thouand... I'm still working on a hundred! (I only have 40 something right now

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