New Owner Overwhelmed with Tumor, Swollen Eye, Hurt Wing, and Compacted Crow


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 16, 2013
Greenville, TX
I bought two pullets, 4 mo old, that appeared very healthy and active. We purchased from an individual with a very small farm, mostly raising goats. Now we have four problems! hurt wing, compacted crop, swollen eye, and a growth or tummor. Please offer help on any or all! Details follow

The Rhode Island Red has a wing she won't move. It was dragging the ground, now she's holding it almost normal but won't use it. She also seems to have a compacted crop this morning that we are massaging and trying to get some water in her with a syringe.

The Buff Orpington has had a swollen eye and a tumor on the back of the neck, what would be close to the shoulder blade area in a human. It's marble size and has no feathers on it. We treated the eye for the worms that get in the eye and the swelling left for a few days and is now back. I have no clue about the tumor

Is this bad luck or are chickens difficult to keep healthy? More important, can anyone offer advise on exactly what might be wrong and any home treatment I can offer?
You'll find a lot of information here about impacted crops; I'll find you a link or two. For the eye I would pick up a tube of opthalmic antibiotic ointment at the feed store and treat her once or twice a day for a few days. You can also use plain Neosporin ointment in eyes.

Honestly, it sounds to me like that farmer sold you his problems. The wing was probably injured, and the eye might easily be an injury as well -- chickens can easily get pecked in the eye, just as they tend to peck at your eyes if they like to sit in your lap. The
tumor could be a number of things, possibly Marek's but also possibly some other type of illness. I believe that crop problems tend to recur.

I've had chickens off and on for many years; this flock is about 4 years old. I had one sudden death, and some predator problems. Other than that, I've never had any of the problems you are seeing. I worm them and use Sevin to prevent lice/mites but have never seen evidence that they were sick with either problem. I think most people here have had experieces much like mine, with only an occasional problem in an occasional chicken.

I hope things smooth out for you!
Thank you Flockwatcher, it's getting worse. The chick with the hurt wing is now not walking right. Her right wing was injured and now she's hopping on the right foot and holding the left foot up. It almost seems like she had a stroke.

Thanks for the well wishes, the chicks seemed fine for 3 weeks, all this just came up? It's hard to watch them being uncomfortable and not knowing what to do or if I can do anything.

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