New to chickens, can they be raised in Alaska????

watch out then!!!

They are gorgeous, I had no idea it was so pretty down on the Kenai penn. just because we have been looking at the Mat-Su for so long. One of the houses we were looking at is in Soldotna and is pretty big (5 br) and reasonably priced.
Is the soil on the penn nice and rich?
I wish...
The soil is a lot more clay-like and acidic from the spruce and pine trees. I have to use potting soil in raised beds, but if I'm lucky enough to have anything grow, I'm usually unlucky enough to have a moose wander through the yard and mow it down. :| I think a lot of the people that live in this part of town work on the Slope or for the refineries along the coast. Land/housing is pretty reasonable here, and Soldotna is growing.
Hello Ladies,

If I may ask what made each of you move to the areas of Alaska that you live in? Just curious! I'm being a noisy body. With the move so close and nothing set in stone as to where we move to, I just want to know what attracted you to your areas. OK that's it for now.
Ahh I have one of those irresistible types too.

What do you think of the area you live in, other than I'm sure you obviously like it!
Thanks for the info
God's own backyard, yes it is. He's been here longer'n me, but I love it just as much. Very rural here where we are... the main highway is 2 lanes, and the side streets are mostly dirt. Motorbikes and 4-wheelers run tracks alongside the highway in the summer, snowmachines (that's what we call snowmobiles here) and skijouring and sled-dogs in the winter. What we don't have? No billboards, no onramp signals at "rush hour", no built-in swimming pools or sprinkler systems. Septic systems and groundwater wells in the outskirts, and in the city all the amenities of the lower-48. Hey... we have Nordy's here, too. And Starbucks! Just got a Bed Bath and Beyond in Anchorage, too!
But best of all is some of the worlds best fishing (salmon and halibut) within 1/2 hour to 1.5 hours away.
As I said, I grew up in North Pole. I left there in 93 and had always talked about going back. My husband had never been to Alaska but he was getting frustrated with his job in Wyoming and started talking about a transfer. A job came open in Fbks and I said YES! and he said NO! He was a mailman and said there was no way he was carrying mail at -60. The next opening was in Kodiak and we decided "what the heck?" We're young, our daughter was only 1, it would be an adventure. It helped that my folks were completely supportive of the move, as they had always loved Alaska but had grown tired of interior winters.

Kodiak is a tough place to live because of all the rain and the fact that the only way on and off the island is by plane or boat. But, it's gorgeous. After all the rain, when the sun comes out it's the most beautiful place I've ever been. Our winters are mild (haven't see minus temps in the 7 years we've been here) and I have gotten totally addicted to the ocean - a concept I never understood before. There's something calming about being around such a powerful force of nature.

We don't have moose here, which I miss
, but there bears, deer, sea lions, whales and everything else make up for it.

We talk about moving up to the mainland (have a friend just moved to Sterling and LOVES it) but I don't know if I could leave the ocean.

All of Alaska is that way though. You'll know immediately if it's for you or not. Alaska is like the opera (quoted from Pretty Woman) "You either love it or hate it. Those that love it will always love it. Those that hate it may come to appreciate it, but it will never be a part of them."
Thanks ladies, I knew a few of you were from Ak but didn't remember if you lived where you were from and so I wanted to know what drew you to where you currently live. Sometimes the best and most accurate descriptions are from the people who actually live there. Not people who just visit then post on the internet of write a book.

I still really like Palmer and am praying that a house will come available. Seems to be a bit of carpentry work available right now.
Thanks for the info once again.

Dreamin about Alaska

I haven't been to Kodiak but I know exactly what you are talking about when the rain clears and the mist is on the mountain tops and the sun is shining. I love the ocean too.
It's hypnotic. I think because it isn't like the beaches everywhere else, so cowded and noisy. (unless it's fishing season) You can sit outside and watch the fishing boats and the otters and it's so calming. Unless there is a cannery near by and then the seagulls make you want to scream!
It's sad I can't even remember being at the Ocean and it wasn't crowded. It does sound very soothing and relaxing. I know when I lived in WA we had a beautiful view of Mt. Baker and a gorgeous meadow behind our house that we always went and played in with the kids and the dogs. It was so pretty when we got snow or when it was lush and green. I miss that type of scenery around.
Right now if we go outside we will be carried off by the mosquitos while being consumed by ticks too....YUCK
I hate it here. But at least my Mama is getting some time in with the grandbabies before we leave.
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