New to chickens, can they be raised in Alaska????

Why DO they call you the crazy duck lady?

(I'm the Crazy Chicken Lady... CCL...)

So, how's like in the Big Valley treating you? We missed you! Did you guys get the big dump hail storm on Friday like we did?!? OMG... I haven't seen anything like that in 10 years! It was cool, unless you had a new garden in the works. We had hail piled up in the yard for 6 hours after the storm passed!

Have you gotten anywhere with the cattle? (that was me, last time, not AK-Bird-Brain, my hubby. I forgot he was stil logged in...)
Have a good one!
Hey Tori,

Did you send the last post to me or Aimee? Cause she's the crazy duck lady (and she knows it
) not me. I wasn't sure so if it was to me then here goes if not then, sorry.

The Valley is great we love it here. Obviously we haven't been around the rest of Alaska but really look forward to traveling down to the Kenai as well as some other places. Probably next summer. But for now this is great. We did not get any hail storms but a few good rains. We are just keeping a look out for the cattle deals, we aren't exactly ready for them (even tho I seem to keep wanting to jump the gun on it) but when we are I hope to already have someone lined up. Right now I'm just trying to get ready for the chicks I have coming. They will be our first ever chicks and we are so excited.
And will welcome any advice. Sounds like your almost finished with your "coop of the year" lol. I can't wait to see pics of it when it's done. We are converting our old greenhouse (10x12) to the winter coop I hope it will work. It will be simple nothing fancy like yours but should work...I hope. Well take care and keep in touch ok.

If you don't want to use Deet, use Avon's Skin So Soft oil or make your own from our beautiful Alaskan tundra. Recipe:

Use Beeswax or Canola oil as a base for:
wormwood aka stinkweed
yarrow -has numbing effect, too so is great for rubbing onto fresh misquito bites
labrador tea

You can also add anything else you like, such as citronella oil, rosemary and eucalyptus oils.

I made both last year w/oil and beeswax for myself and the short hair weimaraners. Should be collecting, cutting and drying more to make more but the chicken pens and coops have made me miss a week of fishing...better get back to the grind out there in the yard!
(Janice Eaton-Schofield's two books on Alaskan and/or Canadian edible and medicinal herbs & plants are both great, one a big book, the other a hand carry for the field. She taught a class in Nome, Kotzebue and Anchorage areas last year.) Cheryl
That was for Aimee...
I assume she has a lot of ducks? LOL!
for new babies! When are they coming, and what breeds did you get?!?
Tori, I am ashamed to say that my experience with ducks has not worked out. My Campbells were re-located to my DH's aunt. They were just so messy. She had the outdoor area for them all ready so they are happily living in Willow.
So then I was "browsing" at Tripple D the other day and he had the cutest little yellow fuzzbutt Pekin. I brought it home, thinking one duck would be easier than two. Well, it decided I was it's mommy. I could not do anything without it. If I left it's sight it would just cry and cry. It got so bad I let it sleep in my bed on a towel so it would be happy.
No way would DH go for that when he got home lol! So, my dear baby duck was given o a home with other ducks his age, and he never looked back.
That is why I am the crazy duck lady. I have taken an oath to never get another one.

As far as Steph's babies, they are in my bator.
I get to practice hatching, and she gets the babies. They are a mix of EE'S, RIR, and Buff O's. I have 6 banty eggs too. They should be hatchng July 13.
Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

That was for Aimee...
I assume she has a lot of ducks? LOL!
for new babies! When are they coming, and what breeds did you get?!?

Aimee is hatching them for me, I believe they are RIR, Easter egger, and Buff O's. I still want some light brahmas and cochins. They were layed a week ago today so hopefully 2 more that soon. Can't wait!!!​
As far as Steph's babies, they are in my bator. I get to practice hatching, and she gets the babies. They are a mix of EE'S, RIR, and Buff O's. I have 6 banty eggs too. They should be hatchng July 13.

Yeah what she I think we are both equally excited.

Sorry wasn't sure who you were talking to earlier now I feel silly.

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