New to chickens? how many are you starting with?

Krisann, I'm sure there will be many more in the near future, it's like eating chips, you can't eat just one, and with chicks they're so easy to care for and so cute you can never have enough!!
This will be our first venture into the world of chickens and in our town the limit is 3. We're going to get 4 just in case so we may end up with one stealth chicken. We have two so far, a Delaware and a Speckled Sussex. They are a week old and doing great so far although I did have to clean a pasty butt off yesterday - what fun!! We're going to get two more this week, hopefully a Wyandotte and a "not sure what else".
Wow, can't believe we are heading into our 3rd year with chickens. I fell in love with the cute little things at the farm store and came home with 5. The following year we added like 20 some odd. We have lost 4 I think over the winter/early spring and I have 14 in the brooder now. 4 of which are being raised for my friend and 3 of which are believed to be roos and heading to freezer camp once they are fat and sassy. This leaves me with 5 layers and 2 'just 'cos I wanted them'(they're silver laced polish). However, I have 10 speckled sussex on order that will come in toward the end of April and I intend on also picking up 2 cochin, 2 EE, and 2 silkies. But we shall see. Then I think we will be done for a little while.
lol... Out of all my chickens I do not have a single white egg layer - and when all is said and done, I will have around 45 chickens!!! My family thinks I am absolutely Nuts!!
We started in July of 2009 with 11 RIR pullets, so added a rooster. Then I lost 6 to coccidosis and 3 to varmits. Then we bought 15 BR hens with 1 BR Rooster. I know have 45 due monday and I already have them sold then on Monday I am going to order 25 Dominique Hens and 5 Dominique Roosters.
I started with 8 chicks, RIR and EE. 3 of them were roos so 2 of them had to go. that was 2 years ago. last spring one of my rir hatched 4, this summer one was injured, recovered and disappeared thanks to my neighbor i believe and one of them is a rooster. So right now I have 7 hens and 2 roos. So far the 2 get along ok but we will see. Im hoping my hen goes broody again soon.

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