new turkey hens


10 Years
Jun 29, 2012
Hello we just got two turkey hens one is A adult the other about 2-3 months old. How long should I keep them penned up before I can let them out into yard with my chickens without worrying about them taking off? I've been feeding them lots of treats but the young one doesn't want anything to do with me yet the Adult eats grapes out of my hand. I live In the city don't want to loose them.
I agree at least one week but if it was me I would probably be a little over causes and go for 2 to 3 weeks and only let one out at a time at first and keep an eye on it while its let out.
If you had raised them from Poults I would say 8 to 10 weeks of age and do as I suggest below.
Place water out side for them to get to but do not allow them feed any where but in there Pen and do not allow them to come and go to feed.
Like Kids ether out or in LOL.
At some point they will want to go back to the pen to eat there feed.
I free range my Turkeys part of them at a time and the ones out side do not roam far from the ones still penned up its a flock thing.
Dont forget that some Turkeys do fly if there is a problem with them flying simply clip a wing go to youtube

Good Luck.

So if I clip their wings and keep them in the run/ for a few Weeks they will stay around? I mean I know there are no guarantees just trying to get the odds stacked in my favor.we have 6 foot private fence around yard and We have four wild plum trees in the backyardand I've been giving the Turkeys those and grapes as treats. Any other tips. Thanks for your replies so far
Sounds like you have done whats needed and its great that you have fresh fruit for them I bet they love it but watch giving them to much as with Humans to much may give them the runs and for Turkeys thats not good.
If you can post some Pictures of your turkeys and setup.
Here is what I have its far from being fancy but it works.

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