New York mini chickenstock 2016

I'm also looking for an EE rooster or any mix that'd have the blue/green eggs genes. Preferably, one that's an adult, teen or close to breeding age (even if he'd need a month to mature first). And I'd prefer that he has a pea comb or any other small comb, just not a single comb. Feather color does matter too, but first wanted to know if any if you have such a rooster you could bring to chickenstock.

Would also like some EE chicks. I know there was several of you that offered them. What hatchery is the parent stock from? Do the parent stock all have muffs, pea combs, lay blue/green eggs?
Sorry, if I sound particular, but I'm hoping to get better quality EEs from individuals, rather than straight from a hatchery where there is often little culling & selection.
Might anyone have BCM (or any dark laying Marans) eggs or chicks and be interested in trading for Sapphire & EE/CL eggs or chicks..let me know & I'll hatch or collect...

What do the EE/CL look like?
Do they have a pea/single comb mix or do they mostly have single combs?
I don't have Marans, but might be interested in some of the EE/CL.
I'm also looking for an EE rooster or any mix that'd have the blue/green eggs genes. Preferably, one that's an adult, teen or close to breeding age (even if he'd need a month to mature first). And I'd prefer that he has a pea comb or any other small comb, just not a single comb. Feather color does matter too, but first wanted to know if any if you have such a rooster you could bring to chickenstock.

Would also like some EE chicks. I know there was several of you that offered them. What hatchery is the parent stock from? Do the parent stock all have muffs, pea combs, lay blue/green eggs?
Sorry, if I sound particular, but I'm hoping to get better quality EEs from individuals, rather than straight from a hatchery where there is often little culling & selection.

I have Reese line cream legbar cockerels, but that's single comb, and I have ameraucana eggs from peachick/signature feathers in the bator now, but that's going to be to young. Sorry! If all else fails and you want the legbar, let me know.
I'm also looking for an EE rooster or any mix that'd have the blue/green eggs genes. Preferably, one that's an adult, teen or close to breeding age (even if he'd need a month to mature first). And I'd prefer that he has a pea comb or any other small comb, just not a single comb. Feather color does matter too, but first wanted to know if any if you have such a rooster you could bring to chickenstock.

Would also like some EE chicks. I know there was several of you that offered them. What hatchery is the parent stock from? Do the parent stock all have muffs, pea combs, lay blue/green eggs?
Sorry, if I sound particular, but I'm hoping to get better quality EEs from individuals, rather than straight from a hatchery where there is often little culling & selection.

I'll see how my chicks are growing out and let you know. My rooster is a Wheaten Ameraucana that somehow has a cream gene (so Ameraucana lovers call him EE). He has a beautiful pea comb. He's from a breeder. My hens are from breeder stock and backyard mixes. Some of their chicks hatched this weekend. I'll check combs and let you know. I'll send pictures. What colors are you looking for?
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I can do strawberry, boyne red raspberry & nursery stock again. I will let you all know about eggs/chicks too. I will be going through my flock bc I need to reduce.

I do have beautiful isbars (Silverudd's blues) to offer. eggs/chicks & Svart Hona too.
I am NPIP in NY also.

What do the EE/CL look like?
Do they have a pea/single comb mix or do they mostly have single combs?
I don't have Marans, but might be interested in some of the EE/CL.

I'll get a pic of my oldest pullet from this cross today (not for sale). She's basically brown, kinda looks like a Legbar hen but with fluffy face, pea comb, and green legs.
I also have a grow out pen full of young roosters to process when old enough. I'll look for pea combs and nice color in there. These ones are Ameraucana/Icelandic dad out of various pure hens, including EE hens. None of these roos are Legbar cross though. There's some pretty ones in there, course the roosters usually are.
Oh also the newest hen I've added to the Legbar pen, she's brown & white EE and lays blue eggs, oddly so the chicks I hatched from her eggs by the Legbar rooster all have cream colored down with small black streaks. I don't know how they'll turn out for color as I don't have them anymore. I also noticed these chucks really had some weight to them where as the Legbar hen by the EE rooster, her chicks are very petite. The pullet I post later will be of this cross.
Oh also the newest hen I've added to the Legbar pen, she's brown & white EE and lays blue eggs, oddly so the chicks I hatched from her eggs by the Legbar rooster all have cream colored down with small black streaks. I don't know how they'll turn out for color as I don't have them anymore. I also noticed these chucks really had some weight to them where as the Legbar hen by the EE rooster, her chicks are very petite. The pullet I post later will be of this cross.
did you ever find a home for the little green egg gene roo?
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I'm also looking for an EE rooster or any mix that'd have the blue/green eggs genes. Preferably, one that's an adult, teen or close to breeding age (even if he'd need a month to mature first). And I'd prefer that he has a pea comb or any other small comb, just not a single comb. Feather color does matter too, but first wanted to know if any if you have such a rooster you could bring to chickenstock.

Would also like some EE chicks. I know there was several of you that offered them. What hatchery is the parent stock from? Do the parent stock all have muffs, pea combs, lay blue/green eggs?
Sorry, if I sound particular, but I'm hoping to get better quality EEs from individuals, rather than straight from a hatchery where there is often little culling & selection.

If you're interested, I can hatch some for you from my own eggs. All chicks should have pea combs. Two of the hens have muffs, the others that lay green eggs are frizzled, so you'd expect some frizzled chicks from those. They don't have muffs. They're not hatchery birds, they were all hatched here. All chicks should lay green or olive eggs when they mature. I do also have a CCL that I can hatch from who lays a light minty green egg.

Pictures of some of the parents:








EEs aren't a real breed, so you might not find much culling going on for specific traits because they aren't supposed to have any specific traits. They're just mutts that lay pretty eggs :) You might be interested in Ameraucanas if you want something that's culled to a standard and is better quality. They also have pea combs and muffs.
@cutipatooti , @tao chick , @Susieq2015 @Pyxis

Thank you all for your responses and offers.

Basically, I'm looking for a rooster who is from blue/green egg laying parents, not one that has a known brown egg laying breed in it.
Even though obviously the green eggs do have a dose of brown vs the blue eggs.
I already have many several roosters who hatched from green egg, but his "father" was hatched from a brown egg.
Currently, I only have one rooster that I know has the green egg gene, but that's 4yr old Michael Jessie who a Blue Andalusian/Easter Egger.

I know the difference between EEs & Ameraucanas, but prefer more variety of colors, not just colors like Black, Splash, White, Silver, Buff.
Brown Red & the various Wheaten colors would be ok, but since I wouldn't be keeping them for pure Ameraucanas, they don't have to be limited to just those colors.

The reason why I said I'd prefer ones from a breeder is because hatchery EEs sometimes lay eggs colors other than blue/green, some don't have muffs, some don't have pea combs.
Also, what I meant by "culling" or better type, is that some hatchery EEs are poor medium-sized layers, with smaller bodies. Other people say they're great.
So, I feel that by getting either EEs or Ameraucanas from an individual, whether a breeder or just hatching from their backyard flock, they are more aware of what the parent stock is like
and perhaps even what kind of offspring they produce.

I've considered cream legbar as well, but don't need another large single combed rooster that's prone to frostbite. But, if they're part legbar & have a small comb, then that would be a consideration.
Especially since I'm working with the barring gene anyways, it'd be an extra bonus to have one that has the genes for barring/peacomb/green or blue eggs.

Beyond the rooster, I'd like some EE/Amer chicks - to add more hens down the road, for extra genetic diversity to my Catskill Homesteaders green egg layers.
I'm concerned if I keep using these roosters that only carry the brown egg gene, I'll eventually loose the green eggs. I've gotten some unique "toupe" colored eggs,
not really olive.

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