New York mini chickenstock 2016

So here's a silly question. What do you guys use your peafowl for? Other than eye candy, I mean? Can we eat their eggs and meat???

Yep, people do eat their eggs and meat :) Mine will be yard candy though mostly, and I'll sell their eggs for hatching.
Ok. Thanks, That clears it up. How does Lacie like her eggs?

She's very happy with them! I couldn't get all 12 under her because she also has some of her own infertile eggs in the nest that I'll need to take before they'll all fit, but I wasn't able to catch her off the nest today to get them. So my broody chickens are babysitting some of them until I can get them all into her nest.
Lol, how sneaky. Won't the chickens get upset when you take their eggs away? Unless you give them the infertile eggs
Lol, how sneaky. Won't the chickens get upset when you take their eggs away? Unless you give them the infertile eggs

Nah, they've got their own eggs and they can't count so they won't even notice when the duck eggs go missing :) One of them will be getting guinea eggs from my incubator shortly so I don't have to raise them, lol. So she'll be happy with that. Two are ayam cemanis and they have their own eggs that they'll be hatching. The other two are just on random eggs.
@Chicken girl 15 do you know how old my little bunny is? She's settled in well here now and doing good, and I'm curious of her age :)
I don't know an exact age but they were just weaned from momma 2 weeks ago. So not old at all . The 3 older ones are escape artists. The other little one lives with Duckie.
I don't know an exact age but they were just weaned from momma 2 weeks ago. So not old at all . The 3 older ones are escape artists. The other little one lives with Duckie.

Probably around 8-ish weeks old then. Lol, if they're escape artists it's probably best that I decided to go with the little Dutch bunny. She's getting an outdoor hutch to be in when the weather is nice :) I'll probably put it inside the duck run. She also has a cage in the house. She's a cutie, a little scared about being picked up but friendly otherwise. I've found out that she likes bread - she stole a slice from me!
Probably around 8-ish weeks old then. Lol, if they're escape artists it's probably best that I decided to go with the little Dutch bunny. She's getting an outdoor hutch to be in when the weather is nice :) I'll probably put it inside the duck run. She also has a cage in the house. She's a cutie, a little scared about being picked up but friendly otherwise. I've found out that she likes bread - she stole a slice from me!
our Dutch loves grass and attention . The run that the 3 big bunnies are in is for teen stage chicks so it wasn't bunny proof until today.
Wow! finally able to get on the internet.....storms ran through Saturday night and the connection went down.
. We had no power for several hours. I have been dying to get on here and chat with everyone!
Metella - I've still got loads of herbs that need a home....
the ABs' have made themselves at home in their brooder. They are whizzing around like drag racers.
Chicken girl - thanks for a fabulous afternoon, meeting old friends again and new peeps who become 'old friends'. Of course, I did get the 'death stare' when I explained the hatching eggs.......
, still, I didn't have to spend the night with the chickens so all is good.
Phoredaburds - thanks for taking and hatching the spitz eggs, although the bator says 20 eggs, I could probably have squeezed them in with the Wellie eggs. Well, I'll know for next time....
Gramma - the comfrey looked very limp by the time I got home, but planted it yesterday and it has bounced right back! I will be able to make lots of salve this year thanks to you.
Hope everyone got home safe and had a wonderful Memorial day..
Wow! finally able to get on the internet.....storms ran through Saturday night and the connection went down. :( . We had no power for several hours. I have been dying to get on here and chat with everyone!
   Metella - I've still got loads of herbs that need a home....:D the ABs' have made themselves at home in their brooder. They are whizzing around like drag racers.
 Chicken girl - thanks for a fabulous afternoon, meeting old friends again and new peeps who become 'old friends'. Of course, I did get the 'death stare' when I explained the hatching eggs.......:p , still, I didn't have to spend the night with the chickens so all is good.
Phoredaburds - thanks for taking and hatching the spitz eggs, although the bator says 20 eggs, I could probably have squeezed them in with the Wellie eggs. Well, I'll know for next time....
Gramma - the comfrey looked very limp by the time I got home, but planted it yesterday and it has bounced right back!  I will be able to make lots of salve this year thanks to you.
    Hope everyone got home safe and had a wonderful Memorial day..
ha there you are!!! I LOVE my tiny trio . They have a pet bunny named pepper who thinks it's one of them. It sleeps with them, it eats with them and it plays with them.

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