newbie egg maker mama....looking at meat for next year

CX are good for cost efficiency
Standard Cornish have a larger breast compared to most other heritage, but they grow very slowly.
In my signature are some links that might be helpful
Ok, so I went through the article on fermenting. This is something I'd been thinking about for a while, but hadn't actually jumped into yet. I do have a question (assuming you ferment, since you had the link). The article says feed 1/2 to 1 cup 2x/day (watching for it to be gone in 30 min). Is that per bird? I'm excited to try this, but just want to make sure I have a handle on it. Thanks!
Ok, so I went through the article on fermenting. This is something I'd been thinking about for a while, but hadn't actually jumped into yet. I do have a question (assuming you ferment, since you had the link). The article says feed 1/2 to 1 cup 2x/day (watching for it to be gone in 30 min). Is that per bird? I'm excited to try this, but just want to make sure I have a handle on it. Thanks!
That's per bird, but I just put out 4 to 12 gallons of FF for up to 80 adult chickens, a bunch of chicks and 26 adult turkey,a bunch of poults. Depends on how much forage is available and how old and amount of young.. So I don't know exactly how much they eat a piece . :oops:

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