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I think holding/petting a chicken could have a calming influence on them.
It won't have a calming effect on the chickens. They are prey animals and it stresses them to be handled too much. Just being with them and watching them is very calming and relaxing.
Our coop is protected with 1/4 inch hardware cloth.
That's not protection. 1/4" hardware cloth is very weak. 1/2" is much stronger.
Welcome, to BYC! Hope you and anyone interacting with the school flock have a wonderful time and wishing the flock a good time too!

It won't have a calming effect on the chickens. They are prey animals and it stresses them to be handled too much. Just being with them and watching them is very calming and relaxing.
Maybe they could train them to hold still and be calm for petting? I think positive reinforcement training would be a good way to possibly make them more comfortable with handling, they at least should be comfortable with being looked over for health reasons so nothing goes un noticed about their health.
Welcome, to BYC! Hope you and anyone interacting with the school flock have a wonderful time and wishing the flock a good time too!

Maybe they could train them to hold still and be calm for petting? I think positive reinforcement training would be a good way to possibly make them more comfortable with handling, they at least should be comfortable with being looked over for health reasons so nothing goes un noticed about their health.
I always handle my birds a LOT. I don’t think they ever enjoy it, :D but they definitely get more confident and less afraid. When I need to do an inspection or treat them for a medical condition they are quite calm when I pick them up or turn them over. I definitely think people should handle their birds often to desensitized them to the stress. It does make them more friendly!
It won't have a calming effect on the chickens. They are prey animals and it stresses them to be handled too much. Just being with them and watching them is very calming and relaxing.

That's not protection. 1/4" hardware cloth is very weak. 1/2" is much stronger.
Good to know about holding the chickens! I agree, it is very calming watching them! :)

Thank you for your advice! We have chain-link fencing surrounding the coop and run. I installed 1/4" hardware cloth over the chain link fence. After reading your comment, I hope that will be strong enough!
The top of the coop has a roof and door, but the run has chicken wire over the top. That stresses me out because I know it is not predator proof. I'm at the mercy of volunteers to volunteer supplies and labor. Do you have any recommendations?
Also I am going to get no dig animal barrier fencing to surround the perimeter. We have a lot of fox and coyotes here.
Welcome, to BYC! Hope you and anyone interacting with the school flock have a wonderful time and wishing the flock a good time too!

Maybe they could train them to hold still and be calm for petting? I think positive reinforcement training would be a good way to possibly make them more comfortable with handling, they at least should be comfortable with being looked over for health reasons so nothing goes un noticed about their health.
Great advice! :thumbsup This is something I'm sure can be done!

During the school day, these are some of my ideas:
1. Getting a carrier or small cage that I could bring to the classroom so they kids can read to them.
2. We have some kids with anxiety. I thought I could bring them to the coop so they can see the chickens and give them a snack

Some of the ideas I have so far for our chicken coop club:
1. Educating them on our breeds and facts about them
2. Taking pictures of the chickens and having the kids write about our chickens, then getting them made into a book by a company (like Shutterfly)
3. Having the kids write a story about their favorite chicken
4. Making a chicken sound in a cup (red solo cup, string, paperclip, wet paper towel)
5. Egg shell mosaic
6. Training a group of "Chicken Tenders" who along with their parents could help out with coop duties when school is not in session.
7. Creating a calendar with pics of our chickens for a fundraiser.

***Am open to any and all suggestions!!!:wee
Good to know about holding the chickens! I agree, it is very calming watching them! :)

Thank you for your advice! We have chain-link fencing surrounding the coop and run. I installed 1/4" hardware cloth over the chain link fence. After reading your comment, I hope that will be strong enough!
The top of the coop has a roof and door, but the run has chicken wire over the top. That stresses me out because I know it is not predator proof. I'm at the mercy of volunteers to volunteer supplies and labor. Do you have any recommendations?
Also I am going to get no dig animal barrier fencing to surround the perimeter. We have a lot of fox and coyotes here.
I believe holding chickens IS calming for them, but I have silkies, so maybe it's just me. However, your point I believe, was it could be calming for the children. I agree 100%! I just got done calming a hen that needed her eyes trimmed. We both calmed down. ☺️

Your 1/4 hardware cloth is usually good for keeping mice out. Anything above that can chew or rip it. You have it over chain link though, so that makes a huge improvement as fox could chew through that hardware cloth, but it can't chew threw the chain link fence.

The chicken wire over the run is good to keep birds of prey away, but both fox and coyotes can jump and get through that chicken wire. Are the chickens locked in the coop at night, or is there access to the run? If there is access to the run, then I would be most worried about the top of the run.

I love your ideas and plans. A fundraiser is a wonderful idea to help pay for improvements, more chickens, etc. 🥰 I think your other ideas are so creative and should all be fun too!
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