Newbie! I’ve got Cows & Chickens

Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

@MilkFarmChickens You may have to do some research to find the eggs you are interested in incubating, you need to probably start with heritage breed hatcheries. As for turning eggs, as long as they get turned 2 or 3 times a day, they will do fine. Turning is important to give the growing embryo a fresh supply of food several times a day.

Make yourself at home here and welcome aboard!
Welcome to the coop! I use the Forums and Articles tabs at the top of the page to do research. You can get lost for hours. It's nice to know you are minutes away from getting help with questions and emergencies! I always check in the "What's New" section as well at the top of this page. This way I can read how I may have a similar question or help give some advice.
New to hatching chicks and trying to learn every single thing I can do right or wrong. My family has always had chickens on our ‘milk farm’ but I never paid a lot off attention beyond feeding and the basics, until I decided to start raising my own.

I have a barnyard mix, with a flock of RIRs that I added (with one very cool solid white one, Leucistic I believe it’s called).

I’m currently hatching some of our blue eggs out of our Ameruacana (sp?) rooster, Boris. He’s my favorite and almost died after being attacked (but I saved him!) and that prompted me to hatch some eggs from his genetics.

My biggest questions are:
  1. Where can I find Silver Spangled Hamburgs or hatching eggs for them? (I want to match our black & white cows!)
  2. How detrimental is turning eggs while hatching - if I miss a day when I’m working at our other ranch, will they all die? What stages are the most temperamental in the hatching process?

I have a lot of other pets, I love animals, and I run a Fire rescue crew to get animals out of fire zones which is quite an interesting task. (Have saved many a chicken! And I’ve got tips if anyone is prepping for fire season - don’t allow animal rescue to put your hens in a Tupperware, for instance…🥵)

I’ve been reading BYC for many months after finding it on an internet search, and have learned TONS!!! And finally decided to become a real member. Thank you ALL for your insightfulness and how welcoming everyone is of eachother - seems to be “no stupid question” and I really appreciate that energy.
Welcome and way to go on you hatching your own eggs. Hang out here and you'll learn lots.

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