newspaper for day old chicks?


6 Years
May 11, 2013
Cape Cod

the feed store told me not to use shavings until the chicks are a week old and to use torn up newspaper. they gave me this advice last year and i ended up with two chicks that developed spraddle leg :( what do you guys successful use in your brooders?

I usually use pine wood shavings, right from the day the chicks are hatched. I've only had one chick develop splayed legs, and I think that was because it had had a hard hatch and was a little weak.
I use brown kraft paper. I get it at the big box hardware store in rolls in the paint section. I also use a wooden towel bar that I bought there for them to hop up great! I've done guineas, buff orpingtons, and bantams this way. Clean up is easy!
I use paper towels for the first couple of days. After they have had time to eat for a couple of days, I switch them to fine shavings. They eat a few of the shavings, but I have never had any chicks have problems from it.
I put a small layer of pine shavings on the brooder bottom, then laid puppy pads on top. Made cleaning a breeze & the shavings lasted much was mainly the edges that got dirty.
We always get pullets in the spring and every year we bring out the newspaper. We had no problem with spraddle legs until last year when we ordered online and got a silkie with a horrible leg. We tied him up with yarn and he was good as new after a while. Other than that I'd say newspaper unless you want to be very careful with shavings. That's just my opinion though.
I did find that on my limited budget, the kraft paper roll from hardware store was the super "cheepest".
I do like the puppy pad idea though---but seems pricey. Just my thoughts.
I did find that on my limited budget, the kraft paper roll from hardware store was the super "cheepest".  :)   I do like the puppy pad idea though---but seems pricey.  Just my thoughts.

I order my pads from our supplier, so I get it somewhat cheaper than the stores.
100 costs me $15. only change it once daily.

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