Niederrheiner Thread! All Colors!

Happy to have found this thread, as I just put in an order for 10 each of the Niederrheiners and Bielefelders. I had 2 Biel roos a few years ago, but at the time, I was unable to find any Biel hens or pullets, so rehomed my boys. I also have Icelandics and Salmon Faverolles, plus a few Easter Egger hens, just for the fun egg colors. :) I live in Colorado, on the "high plains" with variable weather - 50s on Monday and then a foot of snow and a high in the teens yesterday! :p I want to raise birds that forage and free range well, lay decently, and taste wonderful.

Happy to have found this thread, as I just put in an order for 10 each of the Niederrheiners and Bielefelders. I had 2 Biel roos a few years ago, but at the time, I was unable to find any Biel hens or pullets, so rehomed my boys. I also have Icelandics and Salmon Faverolles, plus a few Easter Egger hens, just for the fun egg colors. :) I live in Colorado, on the "high plains" with variable weather - 50s on Monday and then a foot of snow and a high in the teens yesterday! :p I want to raise birds that forage and free range well, lay decently, and taste wonderful.

How would Hedemora Hens (from Greenfire Farms - GFF) work in your cold climate? The Hedies are a landrace with extra underfluff especially for snow climates. I would've loved having some except they'd die in our humid SoCal climate that never reaches freezing temps. GFF moved a group of their Hedemoras to the cold Montana climate to keep the breed comfortable.
Just in time for the holiday season, we would like to share this video in celebration of life! It's called..."Niederrheiner Chicks Hatching." Enjoy! Like! Subscribe!


Merry Christmas and a happy New Year, everyone!

I believe my Neiderrheiner babies are ready to go to a new home, although it is very hard for me to part with them. :^) I'm sharing with you all first, in case anyone is interested.

Back story - I can have hens and roosters where I live, unless the neighbors complain about noise - and I have one neighbor who will do just that. So I am letting them go as a pair because I feel they are most useful to someone as a pair and because they are very attached to each other. I don't want to cause them distress! Maybe someone close enough will take them and be able to trade me back two hens next summer? My wishful thinking. I live in Southern California and I will not ship them - too dear to me to have them die in a box en route! I am asking $120 for the pair or best offer (or ??).

They hatched September 24th from Brinkhaven eggs. No vaccinations. They eat Scratch and Peck no corn/no soy/no GMO feed, lots of organic greens, what they forage, lots of pumpkin and squash, kitchen scraps...they are happy, healthy birds. They live in a run with 12 other chickens, and choose to roost on a bar 6 feet up at the top of the run at night, rather than inside the coop. Last night was in the low 30's, days are in the mid 60's right now. They are incredibly friendly, gentle, and curious.

PM me if interested.

Here are pics I took this morning.

Hello, thanks for the interesting thread. Just looking for info. Hatched a bunch of chicks, this was the only neiderrheiner that came out. Cockerel I'm assuming?? I have nothing to compare it to other than photos here online...

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