Nigerian Dwarf Goat?


Mar 7, 2012
Central Virginia, USA
Picked this goat up and believe it's a Nigerian Dwarf...?

Please help to confirm.


Looks like a ND to me too. If its not that then my next guess would be pygmy. I always have trouble telling the difference between those two. Good luck and very cute goat btw!
Picked this goat up and believe it's a Nigerian Dwarf...?

Please help to confirm.

He, not it, may be a Nigerian Dwarf. But unless you get papers proving he is a Nigerian Dwarf, he can be a mix of anything. Small unregistered goats may be pure ND of a mix of Pygmy and ND, but you have no way to know for certain.
Okay, well, I'm sure he's ND and possibly mixed with Pygmy. Yes I don't and probably will never know for sure...but at least I have a couple of good assumptions to go off of.

Thanks all.

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