Nipple cup drinker system without using a pressure regulator?


12 Years
Jan 13, 2008
Sun City, California
I've just started using nipples installed under a 5 gal bucket. Big fan of it now.

I really would like to try out the cup drinkers for peafowl as it seems peafowl and turkeys are not really able to use the nipples. So far everything I see for them use pressure regulators, have not see any using a bucket set up. Is it possible? I was thinking piece of PVC pipe coming off the bottom and installing cup drinkers onto the PVC pipe. Would this work?
They do not need a pressure regulator as long as you keep the psi below 5 which is not a problem with a 5 gallon bucket.

Most excellent and thank to both of you!
I'm sure could figure it out myself but any tips or instructions, especially for how to attach PVC to bucket and how do you attach the drinkers to pipe?

Also recommend a source for the cup drinkers, please? I get confused by descriptions, it seems some of them are for quail, others seem for generic poultry.. would turkeys or peafowl be able to drink out of them?
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