No Crow Rooster collar

  • Mommak, I would measure your rooster's neck and add an inch or so for overlap. I ended up making one from industrial velcro this week because the one I bought was too tall on my little roo's neck. I bought 2 inch wide and trimmed about a half inch off. Without it being so bulky I was better able to adjust it so that I haven't heard any crows at all for the last day or so. He's running around like usual, courting the ladies but no crowing.
Thank you! I'll do that :)
I think they're such a wonderful idea and obviously many people and roosters have had great success HOWEVER please be aware that your rooster might die. It happened to me today to my one beloved chicken, my good friend Miguel. We'd been gradually tightening the collar every day. Today when I tightened it he was ok for around 5 minutes (following me around and talking to me as normal) but then he lay his head on the ground, then started a panicked flapping, lay his head on the ground again, panicked. By the time I could grab him and take off the collar he had gone all limp. I tried to give him CPR but he was gone. I'm so sad. Please be careful.
Please be careful with these.  A friend of mine is currently beating herself up pretty hard because her roo died with one of these on.  This lady loved her roo very much, and just wanted to be sure she didn't have to get rid of him for the crowing.  She put the collar on and he was still able to crow, so she went out and tightened it just slightly.  It was too much.  When she went out to check on him a short time later, he was dead and she feels horrible.  She's just sick.  And while we were discussing what happened to her, another person chimed in and said that she put one on her roo and within a short time he was laying on his side, gasping.  She ripped that thing off and got rid of it.  These are not careless women - they are conscientious chicken owners with lots of experience and didn't tighten these things carelessly - just very slight, minute adjustments. It doesn't take much to go too far with them.    

This happened to me today. He seemed fine when I put it on him but 5 minutes later he died. I was right there watching and tried to rip it off like your friend but I was too slow. I loved my boy. I can't stop crying
Well I think I had the collar on to tight or something. My baby had been wearing it for about 2 weeks but kept loosening it so I would readjust it each night. It never really stopped the crowing but did quiet it. But Monday afternoon I found him dead in his coop. I've been crying ever since and I'm so heartbroken. I feel so terrible thinking I may have inadvertently choked him. Please be careful if you use a no crow rooster collar!

Dear Sage,

I'm so sorry about your experience. I'm also sorry to say that I share your pain. The same thing happened to my boy today. He died. We'd been using the collar for about a week and gradually tightening. At the last fitting he still crowed afterwards (quietly at last) but shortly after had some sort of fit and died before I could get the collar off him. I saw it all. I blame myself and I am so sad. I've been crying all day. I'm really going to miss my little guy.

I hope that the creators will give some sort of advice about how to make sure the collar is safe. It didn't seem overly tight to me, I could get my pinky tip in it. I don't know what went wrong. I've written to nocrowroostercollars to let them know.

Has anyone tried this on a bantam? I have 7 week old silkies and one of them just started trying to crow- go figure I'm super attached.
My neighborhood doesn't allow chickens at all and my husband wants me to get rid of him so we don't get in trouble.
But if this really works and doesn't make him miserable I'll order one ASAP

I'd wait until he's older and then proceed with extreme caution. My Miguel was a Silkie and he died. I've no doubt it was from the collar but I'm not ruling out user error. Just he careful
This happened to me today. He seemed fine when I put it on him but 5 minutes later he died. I was right there watching and tried to rip it off like your friend but I was too slow. I loved my boy. I can't stop crying

Oh my God Sarah I am so so sorry I am weeping also I KNOW the type of love your talking about. Lost my Johnson awhile back. I also have a collar on my Forest and it seems to be OK going on couple months but when I put it on Oscar he flips out and I'm afraid hell have a heart attack so I keep it off.

I am so sorry this happened to you, there are lots of nice people here who will be here for you.

RIP Miguel :,(
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My condolences to everyone who has lost a rooster with one of these collars on. I can't imagine what would make such a dramatic difference in outcomes with a collar. It's like a dog collar, just on a chicken instead. It's not tightened any tighter than what you would put on a dog. My silkie has been fine with his. I didn't do anything different that I can tell from what the people have done who have had bad outcomes. I took a week to let him get used to it with it on loose. Then I tightened it to where I could get my whole pinky finger in the collar. Tightness of the collar doesn't seem to be what reduces the crowing. It's WHERE it is on their neck. I took off the commercially purchased one after a few days and put one made of velcro on instead so I could make it shorter. Only 1.5 inches tall since a silkie is a small bird. A chicken's neck isn't straight like a dog's neck is, so I didn't want too much of his neck covered by the collar. It works best if low on the neck and it should allow for free range of motion. Your rooster should act absolutely normally after a short time of wearing it. And by short, I mean 5 to 10 minutes. That's how long mine tried to back out of it before he accepted it. I truly have no other option though. If the collar doesn't work, the rooster has to go and there aren't many options for rehoming roosters so he goes into the freeezer. I have since discovered I have another rooster in the making. This time it's a Buff Orpington. He hasn't started crowing yet, but as soon as he does I will use a collar on him as well and hope for a second good outcome.
Are there any other solutions for crowing other than a no-crow collar? After reading some of the bad luck from people who seemed to be using the collars properly, I'm sort of freaked out at the idea of trying a collar. This rooster is seriously the love of my boyfriend's life, and he'd be so beyond devastated if our rooster died from a collar.
Are there any other solutions for crowing other than a no-crow collar? After reading some of the bad luck from people who seemed to be using the collars properly, I'm sort of freaked out at the idea of trying a collar. This rooster is seriously the love of my boyfriend's life, and he'd be so beyond devastated if our rooster died from a collar.

You could have him de-crowed, but that's an expensive operation and is also risky unless you have a very experienced vet performing it.
have you had a chance to do your video? we have had our collar on our rooster for about a month-he was young (appx 3 1/2 months old) - I knew he was still growing so at night before bed we always did the pinky test. It didn't stop it -but did lower it, which was great. I am out of town with my mom, so my husband is "baby sitting" - he said earlier this week that our rooster (Beau) was being weird-backing up and such. And then not really eating or drinking-he had to leave so he removed it. which I'm glad he did - it just may be that he is growing that quickly. he will not attempt doing the collar without me-so when I get home tomorrow-we will put it back on as he is crowing before he even comes down in the morning. we definitely can't have a rooster where we live....

wanted to see about the placement that you mention. I feel I'm doing it correctly, I'm very careful. When I've put it on -I stay out there for awhile and continuously keep checking. I think as you say that placement is key.

any info would be helpful, I do believe they work, it's just patience and being cautious.

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