No Crow Rooster collar

I thought I would do an update in case anyone is still wondering about doing these collars. On return from my vacation-we tried to put the collar back on our boy. He did the usual backing up into things and not happy-but this time it was much more than 10 minutes. we sat out there for an hour and a half as I was afraid to walk away. He would not walk forward-only backwards - throwing himself about, sitting there looking depressed. it was not tight AT ALL-we were just trying to get him used to it. SO we removed it-and that little stinker jumped right up and was completely fine. Just a drama queen. So I let it go for a few days but he is loud and bottom line-it's not allowed where we live. Without my husband sitting there-I put it back on-drama lasted 10 minutes-and then he was fine. I think he was truly playing us. Little by little I've been tightening it-right now I'm at the point where I will not tighten it anymore. he is still crowing-my neighbor 3 doors down can hear him-but she said not loud -he sort of fades out at the end. This will probably be as good as it gets for us-we will take the chance and keep him, it did lower it as long as folks are ok that are closest to us-I think this will work. You just really have to take your time and monitor them. He is a beautiful rooster - and so far he is kind and loving. hoping he is here with us for years to come.
I got my guy down to where it sounds like he is burping or something... i cant take it off though cause ill never get it back to the exact spot and he will also do the backwards dance if it is too tight. His hackles are nice and long (resembles a mullet) so I hide it under his neck blanket so the girls don't see it cause they love to peck at the yellow tag on it and then they wind up loosening it.
I wish I could get the sound down that low.I did a sound check as I'm feeding a neighbors cat 3 doors down while she is away. Sat in her backyard and at 7:10 am-I could hear him and hear him clearly when walking back home. it's not as loud as it could garbles at the end, but I know other neighbors hear him.I feel I'm as tight as I'm going. I'll try pushing it down a little. His collar is pretty hidden as well, BUT we cut that yellow tag off. It was cute but not needed-it caught the other chickens attention and they pecked at him-it seemed to depress him when they did that. You can probably take a little pair of scissors while someone is holding him and clip it off. Crossing my fingers on this. Weather here is still too hot to have open windows-that will be when I worry-but hopefully by then he will be a little quieter. so far I do have 4 neighbors just fine with it.
I have my collar down to one finger (albeit index not pinky) and he is still crowing as loud as he does. I am very scared of tightening it further because the first day I put it on, he seems like he was choking on it, so I had to try back in another week's time. I am afraid I am going to choke him again. I would have given him to a breeder but my teenage son is in love with him, so I will just have to take my chances till animal control shows up at my door

I just don't get some people, 19 of my 20 neighbors are fine with his crowing especially since he is in the garage till 10 AM or later. I live on a very busy street with traffic noise starting at 6:00 AM and going on till midnight. There are ambulances and firetrucks passing every 15-20 minutes. One of the neighbor's dog squirms all evening until they get home, but all she can hear is my rooster. He does crow 6-8 times every hour (its together though for a total of 1-2 minutes)

I bet most of my neighbors don't even have a license for their dogs (required by the city of Chicago) And yes there are 25 dogs with 20 neighbors, some of them like to let them lose without leashes in the park next door so anyone who is afraid of dogs can't even step in the park, but my rooster somehow is the nuisance.
I'm sorry for all of you who lost their beloved rooster from this product but I commend you for trying everything to keep your friend.
I received 7 chicks for my birthday last month and this morning I heard one of my "girls" try to crow. I can't figure out which one it was yet and I'm really sad at the thought of losing one. We are not allowed to have roosters and I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet. The ranch where we bought them will exchange him but how do you exchange a pet? The thought makes me sick. My husband is totally against the no crow collar. I've got some heavy selling to do to my husband to even try this product.
Do any of you who have lost your rooster regret trying this product as a last resort?
I tried this product for 3 weeks almost but it did not help with my rooster even when it was down to just a pinky under the collar. He kind of only came down to gargling in the last 10% of his crow. Was still as loud as before. Since we had him almost die when we first put on the collar too tight, we are not willing to take a chance doing it again. Between keeping him in the garage till noon and the collar, I think we have abused him enough, so its time to re-home him.
I found the culprit, it's my 6 week old maran/olive egger. "She" has a red comb, no waddles, no spur bumps, maybe she is just confused? I'm sad that my Mary Poopins maybe a Marty McFly. We will just have to see in a few weeks but a hen crowing isn't any better than a rooster when you aren't allowed to have crowing where you live. :'(
I found the culprit, it's my 6 week old maran/olive egger. "She" has a red comb, no waddles, no spur bumps, maybe she is just confused? I'm sad that my Mary Poopins maybe a Marty McFly. We will just have to see in a few weeks but a hen crowing isn't any better than a rooster when you aren't allowed to have crowing where you live. :'(

Hens sometimes crow, too. Which where I live would be covered by the noise statues (just like a barking dog) rather than the no rooster law.
We just went through a proposed bill where we live in Canada. When the reginal district took a look at it in front of probably 100+ chicken lovers it was 86'd a victory for us chicken people in a small rural area on British Columbia's coastline where the rich continually try and modernize and make a city & suburbs of The Sunshine Coast. However we still use the collar on two of our obnoxius roos and we have gotten the volume down to about 3/10 It works if you use it with extreme caution however each bird is different at dealing with stress and there has been some unfortunate accidents I have read on here that I seriously am broken hearted over. I understand the amount of love one could have for a rooster or chicken. Thoses people that scoffed me or giggled when I told them about my Roo getting killed by a bear are not capable I suppose of having a close intimate relationship with an animal. Anywasy thanks for letting me rant ;-)

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