No Crow Rooster collar

Hi, we have a 3 month old rooster that we love too. We just put the no crow collar on him today. He is picking at it as we speak! His hen friend is also getting in on the action and trying to help him break free out of it! We were wondering how it worked out for you? Did it end up working? Also, how long did it take for your rooster to get used to it? Thanks in advance!! :)
I've been researching the collars by reading the posts here on BYC and other places online. I purchased the Cock Collars to try on Sammy, my Salmon Faverolle, who has recently started crowing at 5:15am. No complaints yet,but trying to stop him b4 that happens. We put the collar on him (very loose to get him used to it first, and soooo much easier with 2 people) and he fussed for about 15 minutes, then went about his business, occasionally picking at it. Only one hen, Nugget, my other SF, seemed interested in the collar and picked at it a bit too. Once he was used to it, the next morning we started tightening the collar. Since thankfully he only crows in the morning right now, each morning we would tighten it just a small bit (1st time DH'S fat finger, 2nd time my index, 3rd time my pinky) and he continued to crow unabated. At this point, I'm not comfortable with making it any tighter, so I'm going to try the baby sock, or maybe knit something if I can figure the correct size. I hope it works bcuz we really want to keep him.
If anyone has any other suggestions for baby socks or knitting something, please share.
Well, like so many of you I have 2 roosters, NHR & Black Tailed Buff Bantam. The little guy crows just as loud as the big one and with the cost of feed I just cant afford the name brand collars and take the chance of them not working...So I bought the 2" velcro and made my own. The little Bantam totally freaked out but then seemed to pout and be really angry but I left it on him and watched him pretty close, the big guy had a huge fit and I had to sit and pet him about 30 min to calm him down. This crow from the Bantam but the NHR could still crow fairly loud so I tightened the collar a bit and it seemed to stiffle the crow a great deal without causing him to have a fit like when I first put it on him. The Bantam is still pouting I think but otherwise seems ok...just cowered down, hes the one I worry most about and will have to keep an eye on. It was worth a try to calm the crowing so I can keep them and for $2 seemed I couldnt go wrong. The collar on the NHR did have to be snug but still pinky finger room under it. Im gonna say we are now at 5/10 with him and no crowing at all from the Bantam.
Hello everyone,

Just wanted to post an update to this thread.

I believe a previous poster on here talked about the Velcro tape option in lieu of purchasing outright the "No Crow" collar. The video was from Backyard Boogi (
). Another thread also posted about the same/similar idea (

As your roo/roos will likely grow fast, the costs can quickly add up if you are constantly buying new sizes of collars. And if you live in a city where you have bird ordinances or close neighbors who probably wouldn't like the natural alarm clock, you should think about getting a no crow collar - the idea is so cool and effective.

I followed the Velcro idea and it seems to be working well. If it continues to work, and once he stops growing, I will likely buy a real No Crow Collar as they appear to have better breathability. For now this idea works - just play with the tightness/looseness as it 2 adjustments to get him to be almost crow free - without pain or animal abuse. He eats fine, makes all other chicken sounds without issue and seems to be very happy. I can assure you that my animals are well cared for and are living full, happy lives.

Below are some pictures of our young roo known as "Batman"

Please be careful! We purchased a no crow collar for our Frizzle Dizzy! We followed instructions and left a tiny bit more room since his feather curl out - we didn't want it to pull his feathers! 5 days later I noticed a strange noise out of him - he was acting normal eating and drinking but this was a concerning never heard before noise. When he crowed he would get it all out quietly and then it sounded like he was echoing - he was also making noises that sounded like spongebob when he sleeped- best way I can describe it. I had a friend and a chicken farmer can't come check him out and they were also concerned - the collar is off and he's on tylan incase he has fluid in his lungs but we don't know what it is and it did not go away after removing the collar- my friend shared that these collars are notorious for causing respiratory illness. Just please be careful-

Well I have taken the collars off my roosters after my big NHR started acting strange...I do believe it made him ill and I will not be using them again. After nursing the big boy for a week, hand feeding, antibiotics etc I learned a hard lesson. He seems alot better but Im still watching him close. I got lucky and my ignorance almost cost me my best rooster. Im grateful for this site, if I had not been able to take advice I found in others post he would have been lost.
Does anyone know if the baby socks will still work on a very small bantam? I have a young rooster that is an absolute sweetheart, and I have grown very attached to him (and him to me. He gets excited whenever he sees me). But I am currently still living with my parents, but trying to find another place. I most likely won't be able to move until Summer though. My mom told me that his crowing has become a nuisance, and she won't put up with it any more. I have a former rehab hen that lives in my house, and the rooster was meant to be a companion for her. So he lives in the house as well. As you can imagine, and roosters crows are much much louder in the house.

I am trying every method I can, so that I can at least say I tried before I go through re- homing him. I purchased a no crow collar, and I ended up returning it because for one, it was MUCH too wide. He couldn't even bend his neck fully. Second of all, he got his beak hooked in the mesh and almost dislocated it.

Yesterday I went to the craft store and purchased two different types of Velcro to try. One was much too stiff and made sleeping uncomfortable for him. So I am now on the second. This one seems more comfortable, but he is too busy preening it to crow so I can see if it works. This morning he crowed but it was still at full volume. I tightened it a tad more, and he hasn't crowed since.

If the Velcro doesn't work, I am going to move on to the baby socks. Before I purchase them, I just want to make sure that a baby sock will still work for a very small bantam. He doesn't weigh more than 2lbs. It seems like a baby sock would just be too loose on him. Thoughts?

Also, are there any other methods to try if all of these fail? I have also tried "training" him not to crow with a squirt bottle. All that did was make it so that he wouldn't crow if I was in the room, but he would start up again as soon as I left the room. Ughh.

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