No Crow Rooster collar

I've made my own no crow collar.

I bought elastic from here (New Zealand Website) , I'm sure you can find some material similar to this from where you're from.

Wrapped it around my roosters neck and held it in place with Velcro 1 Inch Velcro stitched together side by side into 2 inch Velcro.

It was either re-home, kill or quieting him up. The sound has been significantly reduced now I'm not running outside in the morning to quiet him up.
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HI, I bought the collar and tried it, I did tighten it up but it still did not work. It was not cheap either. As a result of trying it, there can be no recommendation. Save your money..
Personally I think its bullshite that someone dog can bark all day and night and zero tolerance for a little crowing. Its perfectly natural to hear roosters.

A M E N !
Finally, someone said it. I couldn`t agree more.

The loudest critters in my neighborhood are a group of geese, guard geese actually, who have blocked the driveway of their human people when a sinister looking character tried to drive up to their house. More power to those geese, plus they are beautiful.
The same neighbors also have a loud Great Dane.
There are plenty of other barking dogs in the entire area.
And about 60 turkeys.The toms are very vociferous, you can hear them half a mile away.

There are eight roosters crowing in the area, only one of them lives with me.
I love all the noise of all the critters, just not so much those human critters` racket who get drunk and fight and threaten others.

My little teenage rooster usually starts the greeting-the-new-day-properly ritual first, unless one of the other seven guys beat him to it.
The others will start up and sometimes it sounds like a hilarious crowing contest.
Mine starts in the coop around 5am [used to be 4am before the time change last Sunday], before he comes outside. I am an "early bird" myself and awake already.

Have I mentioned that I L O V E crowing?
The more the better - my little one crows all day.
The louder the better, wish I could have him coop inside with me as I did another precious companion rooster before him. That way I could have the best crowing of all, inside the house right in my ear.....

Good for you, I agree; being raised on a farm, i never thought anything about the roosters we had. As I shared I bought the collar but it prevented the rooster from crowing the high notes but he still was able to make a good call. I could not keep him, because I live in an area which allows chickens but not roosters. The collar did not help me and the rooster hated the collar and would frequently shake his head to get rid of it and the hens would pick at the collar trying to get it off. The ending was good for Mr. Rooster who is now in the country with 10 hens.
I think its weird that roosters are not allowed in a whole town. In The Netherlands anyone who doesn't bother his neighbour with the noise can keep roosters. Only if the neighbours don't agree or start complaining and you live in an urban setting you have to get rid of the rooster ore take action on the loud troubling sound.

The crowing of roosters is in general not a problem during the day. Only in spring/summer when the sun rises early fhe crowing is often a problem . Therefore some rooster-owners put their rooster(s) in a dark and soundproof cage during the night and early morning.

The rooster collar is for most byc-owners not an option because they find it cruel to 'suffocate' the rooster with a rooster collar.
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Hi way over there, Thank you for sharing. I like the rooster crowing in the AM. In the area I live in rooster are not allowed. I bought 5 pullets but one turned out to be a rooster. He was large and very handsome. I was sad to give him up but he is now in an area that allows rooster. Bill+
Personally I think its bullshite that someone dog can bark all day and night and zero tolerance for a little crowing. Its perfectly natural to hear roosters. In many parts of Europe like Italy and Malta... But here its breaking the law to own a rooster. For us to know the fulljoy of owning a flock is to observe a mature rooster in his prime running a yard. Keeping everyone together, safe, fed and well there is no other way to put it... Sexed ... Its a big job and burden to carry to be called Rooster... Despite how grumpy pants they might seem at times they will forfeit their own life to keep their hens safe. We seen it first hand our boy Johnson created a diversion from the bear who came on our property to allow our 4 hens to escape the destroyed chicken tractor coop to safety ... Mr Bear Buzz Kill chomped down on Johnson. And took him away and never saw him again. Just have a single feather that was left behind in the bear massive footprint in the driveway. Yes to know the joy of owning a flock is to know the rooster.
Yeah plus rooster crowing Ism't very loud at all. I have a rooster, and when he's in the coop I can't even hear him lol
It totaly works for my 5 months rooster. First day i wrapped it around his neck, sure he was freaking out, but it was loose so his crow did not change, same loud 5 am crow. So next day i did tie as it should, with tip of my pinky to go through between neck and stra/wvelcro, and that did a trick. I did notice today the logo emblem from the strap is loose and Roo tryed to take off the bracelet of his neck by pulling the thing, so i did cut the loge emblem thing,
I don't have any Velcro. But what I do have is the green wrap Velcro they put on bunches of lettuce at the grocery store now. Trying a piece of that like a collar around my to make silkies. Will see if the crowing stops.
I made my own no crow collar by cutting off the ends of a Velcro clasp baby bib and sewing the ends together so it fit snugly.

After strapping it around his neck snugly, I used 2 of the Velcro cord ties to secure it even better around him to keep him from scratching it off. His crow is very quiet and subdued now and so far, no complaints from my neighbors.


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