No Crow Rooster collar

If you dont want to use a rooster collar and are permitted to have roosters, But don't want them/him yo crow at dawn. Then you can consider a rooster cabin. this is a dark and sound proof cabin for the night. The roosters sleep in it untill you get him/them out.
But do be carefull. You have to put enough pipes in for ventilation.
When the rooster goes to sleep with his flock, you can easily take him out and put him in the cabin.

This may work for when roosters crowing in the morning, but what about during breakfast time, brunch, lunch, mid afternoon, and evening? I have roosters that crow at all hours of the day.

I am allowed to have chickens, and have excess roosters from broods naturally hatched. Not usually a big deal, but Thanksgiving is coming up soon and one of my neighbors is having family from all over the country come to celebrate the holiday. I would go ahead and process them, but many of them still need another month to get to full size, and the processor likes to have at least 10 at a time to make it worth their while. I pay $5 each to have it done professionally.
Ok, so I have 2 EE roosters both 12 weeks old now and only one crows and I ordered the no-crow rooster collar (one of them) and received it yesterday. Today I put it on the dominant rooster that has been learning how to crow and he freaked out running and jumping backwards like every post and internet review said he would but it was upsetting the other rooster and all the hens (as well as my dogs) so much that I took him in the house with me. My dogs (American Bulldogs) are in the bedroom napping with my husband now and I have "Big Papa" the rooster resting in my lap with his collar on (for the past couple hours. It's very loose on his neck. I just wanted to get him used to something being on hid neck for now. I kind of think he's milking the situation but don't want anything bad to happen to him so was planning on taking it off before putting him out for the night but am not sure about that yet.

Is this bad? Should I just put him out to roost with everyone with it as tight as it is since he obviously hasn't choked or anything since it's been on for over a few hours and it's still another hour till they roost (which will also be spent in my my lap). Then just work on tightening it until he doesn't crow as loud later on? Or should I take it completely off for the first night just to make sure? We don't want to kill him but want to train him correctly.

Ok, so I have 2 EE roosters both 12 weeks old now and only one crows and I ordered the no-crow rooster collar (one of them) and received it yesterday. Today I put it on the dominant rooster that has been learning how to crow and he freaked out running and jumping backwards like every post and internet review said he would but it was upsetting the other rooster and all the hens (as well as my dogs) so much that I took him in the house with me. My dogs (American Bulldogs) are in the bedroom napping with my husband now and I have "Big Papa" the rooster resting in my lap with his collar on (for the past couple hours. It's very loose on his neck. I just wanted to get him used to something being on hid neck for now. I kind of think he's milking the situation but don't want anything bad to happen to him so was planning on taking it off before putting him out for the night but am not sure about that yet.

Is this bad? Should I just put him out to roost with everyone with it as tight as it is since he obviously hasn't choked or anything since it's been on for over a few hours and it's still another hour till they roost (which will also be spent in my my lap). Then just work on tightening it until he doesn't crow as loud later on? Or should I take it completely off for the first night just to make sure? We don't want to kill him but want to train him correctly.

I don't use them, so I'm not sure.... But I don't believe the no-crow collar "trains" them. It inhibits them from crowing loudly but doesn't necessarily stop them altogether.
Ok, so I have 2 EE roosters both 12 weeks old now and only one crows and I ordered the no-crow rooster collar (one of them) and received it yesterday. Today I put it on the dominant rooster that has been learning how to crow and he freaked out running and jumping backwards like every post and internet review said he would but it was upsetting the other rooster and all the hens (as well as my dogs) so much that I took him in the house with me. My dogs (American Bulldogs) are in the bedroom napping with my husband now and I have "Big Papa" the rooster resting in my lap with his collar on (for the past couple hours. It's very loose on his neck. I just wanted to get him used to something being on hid neck for now. I kind of think he's milking the situation but don't want anything bad to happen to him so was planning on taking it off before putting him out for the night but am not sure about that yet.

Is this bad? Should I just put him out to roost with everyone with it as tight as it is since he obviously hasn't choked or anything since it's been on for over a few hours and it's still another hour till they roost (which will also be spent in my my lap). Then just work on tightening it until he doesn't crow as loud later on? Or should I take it completely off for the first night just to make sure? We don't want to kill him but want to train him correctly.

Hi FuzzFaceFarm - I am in the exact same situation today and I am wondering what you ended up doing. My roo is wearing the collar for the first time and won't stop fussing with it. Did you take it off the first night? Thank you
I didn't end up taking it off the first night or at all really since I put it on him. I sat with him in my lap until he stopped stressing out the first couple of times and he fell asleep (he's a snuggler) :) So I was sure that it wasn't too tight before I put him out in his run. But I have had a problem getting it to where he doesn't crow. I have to adjust it every other day or so and then he freaks for a little but I watch him or stay near for about ten minutes to make sure he is alright and so far he's been fine. When he has gotten really upset from an adjustment he has dropped some of his pretty sickle feathers from his tail. I think it's mainly because he will back up trying to get away from whatever he thinks is grabbing him (watch some of the youtube videos about the collar). I have medical issues/medications that stop me from waking up very early so on the days that I notice him crow I just cross my fingers and hope that he wasn't doing it super early in the morning since we have double pain hurricane windows and I can clearly hear him inside the house (my husband thought it was a child screaming from the other side of the fence). Luckily my second rooster has yet to crow so I haven't had to try using a collar on him but most of the time "Big Papa" doesn't even realize it's on. I hope this helps. Let me know if I can help anymore and good luck adjusting it so you can keep your boy! We hope the collar works well enough that we can keep ours too!
hello, i bought a rooster from   i am so happy i did! this vet in oklahoma does this surgery on the roosters voice box where his crow is very quiet. i bought a welsummers rooster from him 5 months ago. he is a perfectly normal rooster except he is very quiet when he crows. i cant have a rooster where i live, but no one will know, as he is so quiet. i also have 1 rooster on a no crow collar, but he is still growing so i worry about him. also he doesn't look very good with the collar on. it messes up his feathers. if you need a rooster, check out!!! 

Do you still have your rooster you bought from
I've heard they are more prone to respiratory diseases after having that surgery done
Do you still have your rooster you bought from
I've heard they are more prone to respiratory diseases after having that surgery done

Hello! I still have him! He is looking good n strong. He did get sick right after I got him. And I had to get antibiotics from a vet to save him. But after that he never got sick again. I figure he is close to three years old now.
Hello! I still have him! He is looking good n strong. He did get sick right after I got him. And I had to get antibiotics from a vet to save him. But after that he never got sick again. I figure he is close to three years old now.

That is awesome
Which rooster did you buy?
I've been looking at his page on and off for a while
But i have a hard time convincing my wife that a rooster is worth $400-$500 lol
I live in the city and I'm not allowed to have a rooster, so I've been trying the collar technique with some vellcro but i feel like sooner or later someone will complain
hello. i bought a welsummers rooster. beautiful rooster. he has helped make several chicks. i paid i think $200 or $250 for him, as it was around 2 years ago. plus there was $50 shipping. so yeah, its a lot of money for a rooster. i live in seattle wa and didn't want to upset my neighbors, so i thought id buy the rooster as i don't usually spend much money on myself. on a separate note, the no crow collars are JUNK!! i have tried them on a few roosters with the same result. you have to make them ungodly tight to work. the problem i had with the collars is eventually the roosters seem to get food stuck in their throat and it begins to ferment and they start throwing it up at some point. it seems like a slow process but on 4 roosters i tried the no crow collar and all 4 ended up with the same issue. maybe if you only fed the roosters crumbles and never scraps the collar might work. i love the look of a rooster, but mine ended up becoming really mean. i now have him separated from the hens in a different coop so i don't have to have him attack me every time i enter the hens area. also, if you have a rooster, he will end up having favorite hens which will eventually loose several feathers on their back. so i had him with 13 hens, and 5 of the hens have ugly bald spots on their back from being over mated. so, now i have a gorgeous mean rooster living all alone. and 5 of my hens are hard to look at as they are so ugly from missing feathers.
it is really neat to see how hens interact with a rooster though. they except a rooster right away they clearly see and know he is not a hen. really neat to see how the rooster looks out for the hens etc.

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