No Crow Rooster collar

I bought the collar and tired it for days, it did not work. I gave my rooster to a guy who wanted one and lived in the country. The rooster has a beautiful new home. I do miss him, I bought 6 so called female chicks but one turned out to be a rooster, a very big big Rhode Island red and beautiful. I watched the videos and did all that but the collar was not successful for me. My neighbor just got a collar and so far the rooster crows but not as loud or not long, just at dawn. The neighbor does cover the coop front at night to shut out any light. I too grew up on a farm and never remember the rooster bothering anyone.
I bought a no crow a few months ago and was using it on a Polish Rooster, about 5 months old and continued to use it for him for about two months. I then traded him for a 5 month old Spangled Appenzeller and trying to use it on him now.
My issue is that on this new Rooster I have tightened it as tight as I can but it seems to only have an effect for one day. He's a big boy now at about 6 months and he is air-raid siren loud.
I cannot figure out why it worked on the Polish and yet won't work on the Appenzeller? Do I have it too low? I can feel the bend in his neck and his throat when I put it on and I'm moving as many feathers out of the way as I can but to no avail. I've tried the pinky test and all and it feels right but still he's crowing right through it.
Can you give me some suggestions on ideal placement on the Rooster?
Thanks very much!
Kelly Christner
I bought it for my "Rhode Island rooster who was very big and it did not work. I had to give him away. My neighbor bought the same collar; he has a smaller Rhode Island rooster, he put it on and it did not work sooooooooooo, he cut off the feathers carefully not to hurt the bird and put the collar right on the skin. The result is a quieter crowing and this works to cut way down on the volume. I will up load a picture, he looks pretty unusual without some feathers.

As you can see he has no feathers go get in the way, he does not know how strange he might look but hs is mighty proud.

Yes, I know, the name sounds dirty but they're the Australian version of the No Crow. I tried the No Crow but it didn't work for me. The cock collars work great. I've used them on all my roos. They still Crow but it's very quiet. My roos adjust to them a lot quicker too. I live in the suburbs with 2-4 crowing age roos at a time. I do make sure to check the collar tightness regularly but, unless they're still growing, don't usually need to adjust them.

Just some info for those that aren't having luck with the No Crow.
The original Rooster No Crow Collar was made differently than the ones I am seeing for sale on Amazon Ebay and other sites. The original collar is not one solid piece of velcro, or a piece of velcro with a piece of printed material sewn on the outer side or velclo connected to the ends of a piece of material. If you have one of the collars above throw it away they are dangerous. The collar you are looking for is described as follows and is made in several sections It has a soft material outer edge such as velour sewn over the outer edge of a thin piece of velcro on the other edge of the velco has another piece of soft material covering the edge, Below that is a length of nylon mesh netting about the same width as the velcro so the area can breath this is attached to another piece of velcro with the protected edges covered in the soft material. The professionally made collars have 3 lengths of velcro with the edges covered in soft material with two of the mesh inserts. The outer edges of unprotected velcro collars irritate the roosters skin and do not allow for natural movement or allow air flow. I have explained this to the best of my ability. You can obtain the collars on Amazon from My Pet Chicken. I do not work for them, know them or have any affiliation with the company or any person who works there. They just make a quality no crow collar that is safe., The original collars were sold from Poultry Magazines.
Your progressive conditioning is showing; The term you suggest maybe "dirty" is nothing of the kind. The term is older than the English bible, year 1611, which says, Matt 26:34 Jesus said unto him. Verily I say unto thee, that this night, before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice. This translation appears today in American Standard Version, King James Version, Living Bible and the Revised Standard Version. Any other meaning of the word is in the mind of the beholder. We read in the chicken news the word cockerel, meaning> a young male chicken. Hope this helps. :)
Your progressive conditioning is showing; The term you suggest maybe "dirty" is nothing of the kind. The term is older than the English bible, year 1611, which says,  Matt 26:34  Jesus said unto him. Verily I say unto thee, that this night, before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice. This translation appears today in American Standard Version, King James Version, Living Bible and the Revised Standard Version. Any other meaning of the word  is in the mind of the beholder. We read in the chicken news the word cockerel, meaning> a young male chicken.  Hope this helps. :)
Yes, I'm aware of the biblical connotation and use of the word in other countries. Every time I try to recommend the website, people have a very American reaction lol. I thought it would be prudent to just address that from the get-go. Thank you
Hi all!

My wife and I are just getting into the whole backyard chicken thing and turns out one of our four chickens is a roo! We love him to bits and don't really want to send him away to meet an unfortunate fate so we were thinking of trying these collars first. I was just wondering if anyone knew what size give or take a Rhode Island Red rooster would use? We're in New Zealand so we'd probably go for the Australian version, but the sizing doesn't have Rhode Island Red on it. :(

He's about 12-14 weeks now, and isn't crowing yet - but I feel like he'll start soon!

Thanks a lot!
Hello to the Backyard Chicken Community!,
I'm just curious, I have a Plymouth Rock rooster "Barry", he's about five months old, and unfortunately, the neighbours are having a bit of a conniption as a result of his constant crowing. Anyway, I was just wondering if I could apply the No Crow Rooster Collar on him at night and then take it off in the morning. Also, while I'm gathering it's quite easy to use, I'm just a bit concerned that it'll agitate him.
Anyway, any advice would be appreciated,
Hope you're all doing well ^^
- Gemma
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