No good deed ever goes unpunished!!!

Wear knee brace every day. Still tore muscle. Have to wear, leg hyper flexes. Have all equipment cane, crutches, walker, wheelchair. Even have electric scooter.
So sorry to hear that! It is my biggest fear that i won't be able to use my leg after that fracture heals. Left was always my weak leg. Can't they adjust the knee brace better, so that it does really stabilizes your knee? They are offering custom-made braces here:
Well i'd probly mowed their place - with Sherman Tank! :mad: How impudent!:rant
Unfortunately you're right, there's nothing that a normal person could do, those parasites live on our expenses. Have a son back in Germany, 25 years old studying his third subject and refusing to take a job; guess who's paying? No: Ex-wife can't spend a cent, she's »too sick to work« (frequent attacks of acute lazyness…) so i'm paying until he's 28. No Thank you, no »get well soon« nada (He knows what's happened). - Sorry for ranting here, but i'm having a really bad day today, that damn leg hurts like it is wrapped in barb wire, it is raining again and i feel so useless! :sick Can't even get out to say Hello to the Duckies! :(
You say you have a motorhome? Just leave those miserables behind and move! I'm sure there are beautiful places with nice people in WA! I was close to having a project in the Tacoma area once and was really disappointed when the client cancelled. Have been on Vancouver Island for three weeks though, but that's the other side of the strait.
I love Wa state. Moved here in 97,orginally from Iowa. It's hard to find a place. So many won't allow pets. Little lone When the real landlord gets back things will change. He's as OCD on yards as I am :gig. He's the one who gave me three chickens. It was either I took them or the soup pot. They were laying eggs in front of our mower that is stored in a pcv pipe with a cover I made with material used to make boat covers and awnings. So we took them in, they were giving me eggs:lau
So sorry about your son. That is so wrong. Here I am almost 60 and I call my dad once a week. If I don't he calls wanting to know if I am alright.
I know what you mean about the pain especially when it rains. Of course I would move where it rains a lot :lau But I'm use to it. Better than those frozen chosen areas.
Rant all you want, I will listen. It helps. :hugs, that I know all too well. Hubby was off work from 11-20 returned to work Monday. Doctors said it was severe Plaque Psoriasis. Had it from head to toe. So bad on his feet they cracked and bled, he could hardly walk. Better now, so doctors released him to go back to work. I posted on here and had many listen and kept my spirits up. Believe me it helps and I will listen. Hang in there my friend, it will get better.:hugs
So sorry to hear that! It is my biggest fear that i won't be able to use my leg after that fracture heals. Left was always my weak leg. Can't they adjust the knee brace better, so that it does really stabilizes your knee? They are offering custom-made braces here:
It will take time but I am sure you will be able to use it again. Physical therapy will help.
My braces are custom made. I just have to pay more attention and stop doing what I am doing. Not tell myself just finish this and then stop. I'm bad at pushing way past my limit.
I love Wa state. Moved here in 97,orginally from Iowa. It's hard to find a place. So many won't allow pets. Little lone When the real landlord gets back things will change. He's as OCD on yards as I am :gig. He's the one who gave me three chickens. It was either I took them or the soup pot. They were laying eggs in front of our mower that is stored in a pcv pipe with a cover I made with material used to make boat covers and awnings. So we took them in, they were giving me eggs:lau
So sorry about your son. That is so wrong. Here I am almost 60 and I call my dad once a week. If I don't he calls wanting to know if I am alright.
I know what you mean about the pain especially when it rains. Of course I would move where it rains a lot :lau But I'm use to it. Better than those frozen chosen areas.
Rant all you want, I will listen. It helps. :hugs, that I know all too well. Hubby was off work from 11-20 returned to work Monday. Doctors said it was severe Plaque Psoriasis. Had it from head to toe. So bad on his feet they cracked and bled, he could hardly walk. Better now, so doctors released him to go back to work. I posted on here and had many listen and kept my spirits up. Believe me it helps and I will listen. Hang in there my friend, it will get better.:hugs
Thank you very much for listening! Yes, sometimes ranting helps a lot! Like crying or beating up a sand-bag: Let all the bad things escape your body…
Last night i developed a high fever and my wife was not far away to drive me back to the hospital. Took additional Acetaminophen and slept for almost 12 hours. - My wife was concerned about that again…
Much better day today: No pain pill necessary - i am scared of those Opiates like hell! Went through withdraw in 2012 after a kidney surgery, not again this time!
Greetings to your hubby! Have a friend with PP back in Germany, she is using Vaseline by the bucket when an attack hits and still it cracks and bleeds. She has it at the back of her knees, so it frequently cracks.
It seems WA is very similar to WV, lot's of green, mountains and valleys with little creeks at the bottom, little farms sprinkled on the hills, just peaceful. Idk, but think you have more rain in WA than we here, we also get those cold Canadian air-bubbles, right now we have one wet(ter) week followed by a cold week. I prefer more those cold dry weeks, but that's just because of the bad soil we have here: That red loam turns into a »slip'n slide« way too easy and i can't continue digging drainage trenches now.
@WannaBeHillBilly try your best to just go with the flow and lay low.
It’s a hard time right now but in something’s (like healing) we don’t get ~ do overs.
I can give you lots of good advise...that I never listened to. Which I regret seriously.
If I had been able to see in the future a couple years down the road I know I would of made different choices (about over doing it)
Things have a way of working themselves out. Priorities change as we get older. Words are easy to say...but have a little faith.
The pain the injury is one thing. The future is what scared me. Now is the time to recover...have faith...slow your roll. Thanks for the updates. We’re still praying for ya. Best wishes
Thank you very much for listening! Yes, sometimes ranting helps a lot! Like crying or beating up a sand-bag: Let all the bad things escape your body…
Last night i developed a high fever and my wife was not far away to drive me back to the hospital. Took additional Acetaminophen and slept for almost 12 hours. - My wife was concerned about that again…
Much better day today: No pain pill necessary - i am scared of those Opiates like hell! Went through withdraw in 2012 after a kidney surgery, not again this time!
Greetings to your hubby! Have a friend with PP back in Germany, she is using Vaseline by the bucket when an attack hits and still it cracks and bleeds. She has it at the back of her knees, so it frequently cracks.
It seems WA is very similar to WV, lot's of green, mountains and valleys with little creeks at the bottom, little farms sprinkled on the hills, just peaceful. Idk, but think you have more rain in WA than we here, we also get those cold Canadian air-bubbles, right now we have one wet(ter) week followed by a cold week. I prefer more those cold dry weeks, but that's just because of the bad soil we have here: That red loam turns into a »slip'n slide« way too easy and i can't continue digging drainage trenches now.
You are very welcome. Did they check for infection? Put you on a antibiotic? Glad you feel better today. Withdrawls from opiates are bad. Don't blame you for not wanting to take those. I won't take them either. Sleep is important, bodies heal during sleep. Hugs to your wife, I know she has to be worried, but try to not to worry so much(easier said than done). Tell her I said to put you in a semi dark room, plenty of water and feed :lau . Little duck & chicken humor to make you two laugh:D. What ever you do don't push it too fast. Remember it has to heal inside. Pushing it too fast can cause problems later.
Oh we do get a lot of rain. Joke around here is rainy season from Jan 1 to Dec 31. I just got soaked doing chicken chores. High wind warnings until 4:00 pm (saying gusts 50+). Told the chickens not to spread their wings, I didn't want splat chickens.:gig
@WannaBeHillBilly try your best to just go with the flow and lay low.
It’s a hard time right now but in something’s (like healing) we don’t get ~ do overs.
I can give you lots of good advise...that I never listened to. Which I regret seriously.
If I had been able to see in the future a couple years down the road I know I would of made different choices (about over doing it)
Things have a way of working themselves out. Priorities change as we get older. Words are easy to say...but have a little faith.
The pain the injury is one thing. The future is what scared me. Now is the time to recover...have faith...slow your roll. Thanks for the updates. We’re still praying for ya. Best wishes
As we say in Germany: "One is always smarter, afterwards!" - I just should not have gone on that platform in the first place. :idunno
I'm sleeping a lot every day! Can't believe it is already one week after the accident.:old
You are very welcome. Did they check for infection? Put you on a antibiotic? Glad you feel better today. Withdrawls from opiates are bad. Don't blame you for not wanting to take those. I won't take them either. Sleep is important, bodies heal during sleep. Hugs to your wife, I know she has to be worried, but try to not to worry so much(easier said than done). Tell her I said to put you in a semi dark room, plenty of water and feed :lau . Little duck & chicken humor to make you two laugh:D. What ever you do don't push it too fast. Remember it has to heal inside. Pushing it too fast can cause problems later.
Oh we do get a lot of rain. Joke around here is rainy season from Jan 1 to Dec 31. I just got soaked doing chicken chores. High wind warnings until 4:00 pm (saying gusts 50+). Told the chickens not to spread their wings, I didn't want splat chickens.:gig
The fever subsided in the morning so i decided not to see a doctor and it never came back. Guess what: My wife has put me in a semi-dark room with lot's of food, drinks and fresh bedding so i can sleep a lot. :lau - Which i do, more than 16h a day…
You need to run some ropes across the yard so that your chickens have something to hang on in the wind! ;)
How’s it going today? Did you ever find someone to help with the ducks?
I'm hangin' in here, sleeping a lot, stealing my Duckies medication (Calcium Gluconate) reading a lot of books. Pain is acceptable, just need one to two pills a day. However, i can't wait to get rid of that plastic boot they gave me in the hospital. It is at least two sizes too small! ;) Have the first appointment on January 10th when the doc is back from his vacation. :jumpy

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