No more blind ducks in the pond...


Jul 12, 2019
So my poor blind duck Faith who came very close to dying the other night after somehow making it to the pond over 50ft from the coop, that was mostly bordered by cinder blocks, falling in being stuck in their for god knows how long, being picked on by some of the other ducks, and miraculously finding in air pocket to stick her head in is recuperating in my house in a large dog kennel. But at some point she’s gonna have to go back outside. And there is no way I can put her back in that coop and have something like that happen again. I’m already traumatized from it, always making sure there’s no dead ducks in the pond... anyway my brother gave me an old dog house so am gonna set it up for her, and buy a dog run and put her in that with the dog house.

Anybody Have any ideas of how to set the dog house up for her? Also should i get a little duckling to put in with her so she’s not alone, or should I just have her by herself? Also the dog house is 3x4 and run is gonna be 5x10 will that be big enough for her? And how can I winterized the dog house for her? She had been living the baby barn with my other duck and chickens last winter with no heat, will she be ok with no heat if it’s just her?
as for the dog house, just pack it with a deep litter of shavings to insulate it from the ground and make sure she isn't sleeping in a draught. Ducks in the wild sleep in sheltered places. More than one duck will keep each other warm.
But breeds have different personalities right? I know like i had khaki Campbell’s they were very skittish, I have muscovies and I love them cause they are friendly but tend to be pushy with each other. I was kind of wondering about a call duck to put with her cause it would be smaller then her and less likely to hurt her
Nearly any docile, mallard decended breed would work. Cayugas, anconas, rouens, buff orps, hybrid layers, mallards, calls...the list goes on. Some breeds have additional andvantages and disadvantages. For example: kakhi campbells are very skittish, but lay lots of eggs, runners are friendly, but are not the most cold hardy becase of their thinner build, calls won't pick on your girl because on their small size, and they would be one of the best choices for your situation, though you may want to get 2, so it will even out the odds if one party or the other gets pushy. You may want to get the companion(s) as juveniles so they are less apt to pick on your blind girl. But not as babies, as she may accidentally hurt them.

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