No spill feeder - did your chicks understand it?

Bigbluehen53: great idea! I also like the clover idea. I’m going to try both today. Two of the ladies found the feed but the others aren’t noticing yet.
chickens are nosey...they will figure out whatever you put in their coop/run.

I've never had to train any chicken. All it takes is the first one and everyone else falls in line.
We installed our feeders and they were all eating from it within 4 days. We pulled feed from it toward the front so they could see it. Then we laid some feed under the feed spout to attract them. Then it was a matter of curiosity that had them wondering what the other chickens were after. I also laid some fresh clover down the feeder opening into the feed supply so they would also find feed there. I tried painting a red dot within the feeder spout hoping they would think it a bug. That didn’t work. Good luck. We love it.
My husband just made my flock of silkie chicks two 5 gallon no spill feeders Sunday (the ones with the elbow pvc pipes). My question is, how long will it take them to understand that their feed is now in the bucket feeders and not their normal feeder? Maybe I’m worrying too much but I’m afraid they’ll starve themselves. :( I have one crossbeak chick that is thin as it is and my concern is mainly for it at the moment. Will it be able to eat from a feeder like this?
I filled one quart jar feeder with crumbles Sunday morning so they would at least have something if they didn’t get it right away. I checked on them Sunday evening and usually their feed is all gone in the quart feeder by then but they still had it half way full. So is it safe to say they’re figuring it out? I took some wild clover (which they go nuts for) and stuffed it back into the pipes with a little hanging out so they’d at least reach in to see what’s in there and realize there’s food in there as well. Did I do everything right? Am I worrying too much about this? Someone reassure me please. :oops:
I had the same worry - I cheated and bought an already made on on Etsy but it didn't seem like they would really "get it" so right before bed one night (their bed that is LOL) I sprinkled some meal worms in each of the tubes so they would go over there and go bananas, then they would see while they were in there that there is seed too. Just in case I put out a big dish of seeds for the first few days but today I caught two of them munching away at the pipes! Good luck and let us know how it goes!

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