Noisy, noisy, noisy hens!!

I have WHAT in my yard?

11 Years
Jun 24, 2008
Eggberg, PA
Forget the rooster! He only crows when it is light out or he feels threatened. The HENS on the other hand, are making such a racket whenever any of them decide it is time to lay (I think that is the trigger) they ALL set up a ruckus! It can go on for twenty minutes!

Since they are new to this: is it because they are new and they're freaking out? Is it encouragement to the one laying? They are laying during the night, usually 5 to 6 AM and then he starts up at 6!

Will this continue? The neighbor across the street (8 acres away!) told me he could hear them. Now what??
One of us has confused chickens!

My hens and both roos get all worked up about anyone's egg, and yes, they go on for quite some time. But only in the daylaight.
I am amazed at how polite your roo is- my EE roo starts around 2:30-3:00 am!

Best start giving your neighbor lots of free eggs, they probably won't change.
Last weekend I awoke to hear our BR going on and on and on...! Turns out she was sitting on the BSL's egg while trying to lay her own. As soon as I took it away from her she quieted down. she's my noisy-est bird anyway. big-time honker.
I have the same problem with my 3 girls. Since we live in the city and close to our neighbors, I'm certain we'll get the phone call. Ours will go on for 15 to 20 minutes easily. Would love to know what they are saying :eek:)
Chickens are just crazy!

Sometimes mine just hop out of the nest and walk away from their egg.
Other times they have to announce the egg's arrival for (what feels like) half the day!

And sometimes I think they squawk the "I've got an egg!!" just so they can watch me bolt out of the house to steal the invisible egg and quiet them down.
My RIR, SLW and Barred rocks are pretty loud. My BO's and light brahma are very quiet. Of course, most of them haven't started laying yet (freeloaders!) so we'll see if that changes.

Is there a consensus opinion on noisy vs. quiet breeds?
This thread made me laugh! I have one Cuckoo who must be bragging after she lays each time, it just goes on and on! I don't know if she is aware of it or not, but she was the last to lay! (I might not mention that - don't want to hurt her feelings!)

We live in the city too, my neighbors are super nice, so for Christmas I plied them with eggs and one of our dressed meat chickens!

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