Non Fluffy Chicks


Oct 22, 2016
Hedley British Columbia
Hello everyone,
I had some chicks hatch the other night and I just took them from the incubator. They are silkie chicks but they aren't fluffy. All their feathers seem to be stuck down to their skin. I rubbed them gently with a warm cloths but it didn't seem to help. 2 aren't that bad but the other two are. To the point they don't seem to be moving much. Anyone know what I can do to help them?
Hello everyone,
I had some chicks hatch the other night and I just took them from the incubator. They are silkie chicks but they aren't fluffy. All their feathers seem to be stuck down to their skin. I rubbed them gently with a warm cloths but it didn't seem to help. 2 aren't that bad but the other two are. To the point they don't seem to be moving much. Anyone know what I can do to help them?

I get the water in the sink running a little and adjust it where is feels about 100 degree's---then wet the chick while lightly rubbing---I then move it from under the water and get a drop of dawn and soap it up then rinse----then blow dry it being careful to not get it to hot. Usually cleans up good. Put it in a warm Brooder should look good the next day.
Hello everyone,
I had some chicks hatch the other night and I just took them from the incubator. They are silkie chicks but they aren't fluffy. All their feathers seem to be stuck down to their skin. I rubbed them gently with a warm cloths but it didn't seem to help. 2 aren't that bad but the other two are. To the point they don't seem to be moving much. Anyone know what I can do to help them?

Could/will you share a pic of them?
Im curious to see what you are talking about.
(for the future ..if I ever hatch)

Thanks and good luck!
There feathers formed like a hard shell on them so I gave them a bath using a q-tip, gentle dish soap mix in warm water. There feathers are fluffing up up a bit now. Some spots on them still need to be washed. I did lose 1/4 last night though
When their feathers are plastered to the body - like you said, a hard shell, that is called "shrink wrapped." They do have to be bathed & washed gently and dried thoroughly (blow dryer set on low). Some chicks need a second bathing. We sure they are thoroughly dry before going back to the brooder. You don't want them getting chilled

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