Normal looking Welsh Harlequins?


Aug 28, 2016
Knoxville, Tennessee
I ordered 6 female Welsh Harlequins from Metzer. Two are "blonde" while the others are getting darker by the day. Is that normal for females or should I be concerned that I accidentally got drakes? I've been listening to their voices but I just can't tell well enough yet. They're only 3 weeks old today.
According to Metzer's website: "ours are the more common silver variety" which I take to mean they don't sell the gold versions. . Could Gold phase be like a recessive gene and pops up once in a while?
The first 3 days you can sex Welsh by Bill colour...Dark bills are Drakes and the lighter Bills are Hens.....If you got them before the bills changed colour? Or if you have photos of them that young?...You can tell almost 90% of the time...:).....

Good luck...:)
They for sure had light colors bills... Thanks for y'alls input. Interesting to see how they feather out. I still love them so much, and I know they're going to be beautiful no matter what!


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