Normal noises before laying?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Feb 7, 2014
This is my first flock of chickens (if you can call 3 hens a flock). My 20-week American Dominique laid her first egg a few days ago, and one every day since. My question: she makes a lot of noise for about an hour before laying. Sounds like she's calling for another chicken, if that makes sense. Then she paces and runs around for about 30 minutes. Ultimately she walks into the coop, into the nesting box, and deposits the egg, then comes out and she's back to foraging for bugs. Is this normal behavior? Thanks.
It's normal. Since she's a new layer, she's probably surprised by the new feeling in her body. My girls actually will chuckle for a while AFTER laying. I think it's a way to say to the other girls, "Hey, Hey, Look at me. Look how great I am I laid an egg!"

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