North Carolina

Sorry to hear that GoChick

Good morning everyone :frow

Micheal- I am so so sorry about your hen :hugs

NH- hope you have a nice girls day out!

Allaboutyou- glad you sussex is going to a good home!

I checked on all my mama hen and her chicks and got a great little birthday suprise, the only two eggs left under, I feared were duds because they hadn't pipped yet, but this morning one egg was pipped! :celebrate
Mama and all the other chicks are doing great!
Got to get the house clean for family visiting today. Why do I have to clean on my birthday? Maybe I can teach my animals to clean :lau

Have a good day!
The bigger ones are easter eggers, who knows what color they will be. And I have a feeling some of them are roos

I seem to be really good at hatching boys...
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