North Carolina

You forgot to post the pics of your mama and chicks on the broody thread, I know everyone would love to see them..

I have sooo enjoyed seeing all the baby pictures!! They are all to very cute! I did not know it was supposed to rain this much today! Am off today and planned a great day of working in the yard, and getting some sun, Oh well computer, recliner, couple of cats.......I am good!!

Well,,,,,,,,,,,,,it is official, we are crazy chicken people!!
Bought an incubator and 4 days ago we put 45,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes..........45 eggs in it!!
We have Heritage RIR, Jersey Giants, Cochins, and some mixed eggs. We also have 20 chicks ordered from our local Ace hardware!! Don't ask me what we are going to do with all these babies!!

I will be flying out to visit my god -daughter in Minn 2 days after DH has to report to his next job. Which is 2 hrs from home, and he will be living in camper while he is there. So, only thing we can think of ..........he is going to take the babies with him!!! I am thinking it's going to be a "cheaping" camper!!
We have someone to come over once a day for the other animals, but can't leave the babies alone all day!! Gonna be interesting to say the least!!

I have been looking for a hen or 2 for my Columbian Wyndotte boy, no luck! But last night a BYC member in SC replied to me and he has one hen!!
So, looks like a road trip in my future to get her!! I am so excited, he is beautiful, got him at WCA months ago. Currently he is living with an assortment of hens.

I do not post often, but keep up to date with everyone's postings everyday!! Ya'll take care!!

We have 3 chickies! I am hoping that I wake up to a bator full tomorrow. Since chick #1 piped yesterday, and hatched around 3am, When do I clear out the incubator? I cannot just grab them as they come out, I have them in pedigree baskets. I so cannot wait to build the cabinet with hatching bins so we can see in better.
Ok so here is a pic of my girls today out in the yard. Being closely watch by head chicken keeper dog Izzy. The coop area at the end of day before the rain. trying to get it finished up here in the nextday or so!

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