North Carolina

So sorry Mayberry.....sure hope you can get some relief and maybe even a cure.

That's what I am afraid of. I make reborn dolls and a week ago when I was rooting the hair (by hand with a felting needle 1-2 hairs at a time) is when the pain started. I have 6 dolls to get finished, one in the next couple weeks. I am up to 3 Tylenol at a time and no help at all. I tried Ultram and it just made me sick and didn't help with the pain. If I wasn't allergic to aspirin I would have more selection of meds

Try aleve or advil it will help with the swelling and take the pain away. I have it from swinging a hammer and some times my hands go numb and I can't sleep from it they sell braces you can wear at night too which helps
That's what I am afraid of. I make reborn dolls and a week ago when I was rooting the hair (by hand with a felting needle 1-2 hairs at a time) is when the pain started. I have 6 dolls to get finished, one in the next couple weeks. I am up to 3 Tylenol at a time and no help at all. I tried Ultram and it just made me sick and didn't help with the pain. If I wasn't allergic to aspirin I would have more selection of meds

I have horrid CT and wear a brace at night when it flares up, the brace works miracles! Also try switching to Ibprophen, it is better for inflamation. Feel better soon!
Shannon, hope you overcome this round quicker than the last, hang in there and hope those Docs find out one day what is really going on so you don't have to keep going thru this.

Well, we have our own drama here and man when it rains it really pours.

1. One of the choc orps isn't thriving, actually less than 1/2 the size of it's siblings, thought it was impacted. Here is what transpired today: (pulled from another thread from earlier today)
CHOCOLATE UPDATE: We just got back from the vet. The chick is currently still alive!
The vet was awesome, so glad to know we have an Aviary vet soo close to home. It was not impacted, there is something going on with it's digestive system?? He took a crop swab then flushed the crop out. Swab shows bacteria, just not sure why yet, parasitic or something else? Have to do fecal on the hatch mates and drop it back off at the vet. Choc is on clavamox 2x a day for the next week. He also gave us some hand feeding formula that we tube feed directly into the crop 5-6x a day. There is also a powdered probiotic to add to the formula that we can also use as a sprinkled topper to all of our other chicks. We have a follow up visit next week if the little one pulls thru. If the chick does not make it he will be sending it to a zoological specialist for a necropsy.

This evening the crop is still not emptying, not a good sign. Will get more digestive meds from the vet tomorrow.

I learned today the benefit to "mother" rearing verses "brooder" rearing - chicks that are with their moms eat and scratch in her poop, thus giving them natural antibodies from her poo to prevent things like cocci and bacterial issues, where chicks raised in brooders do not. Wish I have more room for moms and babies.

2. Mama goat that had the four babies in January, yeah well she is at the vet today as well. After a scope and x-ray they have determined she has calcium build up in her kidneys, she is on meds to try and break it up and pass (just like stones people get). If she cannot pass the calcium she will have to be put down as surgery will not be an option for our wallet.

3. Came home this afternoon and went to get a few things out of the barn, found one of the serama boys out of his pen. Put him back only to discover his girl not looking to great. Picked her up and was yucked by a giant prolapsed vent!!! Took her to the house and got her cleaned up and medicated, later this evening it had popped back out. Even if I do get it to stay in I have NEVER had good results with prolapsed vents. I can buy some time but the hen never lays again and eventually passes within a short time frame.

4. During all this I am rotating horses around, cleaned out our young stallions stall only to notice a pee spot looked very red! He seems normal but is now on our radar as that would not be a good sign.

I really just want to crawl in a hole.

So sorry HT and sure hope your chick, goat and horse come through this. also the prolaspe hope you can help your little hen with that. Hope today is going much better for you and your animals..
HT I am so sorry you had such a rough day. We are really praying that all things turn out well for you and your goat/horses/chicks/etc...
At least you were able to end the day with some BEAUTIFUL chicks from Biggie. I will say, those are some STUNNING chicks

Mayberry - I do hope you can find some relief for your pain & discomfort. I'd love to see photos of the dolls you make (I love all things crafty and creative!!)

As you all can "POP" here!! Spending the day planting and weeding with DD and my mother!! I blame her for the baby deciding to take so long..yup. Had she NOT come, it would be here, but now that she's here (and we have a "game plan") it's going to take it's sweet ol' time getting here. LOL. Maybe I'll hatch for Easter!!
Can I join the Easter hatch?? Is the contest based on total weight?? LOL
HT I am so sorry you had such a rough day. We are really praying that all things turn out well for you and your goat/horses/chicks/etc...
At least you were able to end the day with some BEAUTIFUL chicks from Biggie. I will say, those are some STUNNING chicks

Mayberry - I do hope you can find some relief for your pain & discomfort. I'd love to see photos of the dolls you make (I love all things crafty and creative!!)

As you all can "POP" here!! Spending the day planting and weeding with DD and my mother!! I blame her for the baby deciding to take so long..yup. Had she NOT come, it would be here, but now that she's here (and we have a "game plan") it's going to take it's sweet ol' time getting here. LOL. Maybe I'll hatch for Easter!!
Can I join the Easter hatch?? Is the contest based on total weight?? LOL

OOOO come on already !!!!!!
Try aleve or advil it will help with the swelling and take the pain away. I have it from swinging a hammer and some times my hands go numb and I can't sleep from it they sell braces you can wear at night too which helps
I have horrid CT and wear a brace at night when it flares up, the brace works miracles! Also try switching to Ibprophen, it is better for inflamation. Feel better soon!
I can't take Aleve, and have to be extra careful about ibuprofen, they contain the same silicates as aspirin and can be dangerous for me.
HT I am so sorry you had such a rough day. We are really praying that all things turn out well for you and your goat/horses/chicks/etc...
At least you were able to end the day with some BEAUTIFUL chicks from Biggie. I will say, those are some STUNNING chicks

Mayberry - I do hope you can find some relief for your pain & discomfort. I'd love to see photos of the dolls you make (I love all things crafty and creative!!)

As you all can "POP" here!! Spending the day planting and weeding with DD and my mother!! I blame her for the baby deciding to take so long..yup. Had she NOT come, it would be here, but now that she's here (and we have a "game plan") it's going to take it's sweet ol' time getting here. LOL. Maybe I'll hatch for Easter!!
Can I join the Easter hatch?? Is the contest based on total weight?? LOL
Here you go, they are called reborns. Most of the time collectors get a bad rap, and a lot of ppl just think they are creepy cause they look so real.

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