North Carolina

Yup, not a lot of hourly pay, but when you truly love a craft, I don't think it matters (as long as you are not going in the hole, LOL)

Here are my last 2 chicks...
brown one is all EE (guessing girl) and the blond is the EE crossed with naked neck (w/o a naked neck/guessing boy) - hatched on the same day.

Yup, not a lot of hourly pay, but when you truly love a craft, I don't think it matters (as long as you are not going in the hole, LOL)

Here are my last 2 chicks...
brown one is all EE (guessing girl) and the blond is the EE crossed with naked neck (w/o a naked neck/guessing boy) - hatched on the same day.

They are cute. There appears to be a little more comb development on the brown EE which would indicate boy. The NN/EE cross doesn't have much of a comb if any right now. It's still early to tell though. The chicks are about a week old now right?

I know with our chicks we got 2 white EEs and I believe one is a boy because of comb development. Mine are 3weeks old now. I know with our last batch of EEs I knew which was a roo by the time they were 5 weeks old because that chick already had a good sized comb developing.

EEs are the hardest thing to sex usually.
Yes, they were a week old Tuesday. I have tried almost every old wives tale for sexing them - and everything points to the brown one being a pullet and the blond one a roo. Why does it have to be so hard?
When I first looked I really thought it was someone posting a pic of their baby... I can't get over how real they look.

Here you go, they are called reborns. Most of the time collectors get a bad rap, and a lot of ppl just think they are creepy cause they look so real.


Yes, they were a week old Tuesday. I have tried almost every old wives tale for sexing them - and everything points to the brown one being a pullet and the blond one a roo. Why does it have to be so hard?

The stance in the first pic of that brown chick is rooish too. I just go by comb development and how they feather in. I guess ina few weeks you can see how they look and may be able to tell more who is boy and who is girl.
Well we just got back from the vet AGAIN! The chick was still just filling up in the crop with the feedings so he had me bring her in to drain. Boy did he drain.... so much that he found a mass at the bottom of the crop he did not find yesterday. The only option was to do crop surgery as it would not suction out, he pulled a quarter size ball of shavings out the her crop!!! I have never had one eat that much and not digest it, he says it's rare that they eat so much and not digest but it does happen. She is now wearing a crop support and has had another feeding from the vet to try and get some nourishment. This time things are tougher as she is just sooo weak that we are not sure she will pull thru.
Thank you ML

ok, I have went and played with the all powerful chicken calculator... And according to it, crossing my columbian colored roo with my ducking colored pullets will result in:
Males: black patterned yellow/golden incomplete laced
Females: black patterned silver incomplete laced

So the brown one is a male?

And for the cross chick-
Males: either brown or black patterned yellow/golden incomplete columbian
Females: either brown or black patterned redshouldered/cream incomplete columbian

And since the feathers coming in on the blond are cream and is a pullet?

I think most of my chicks will be sexable by color after a few weeks old.
Mayberry, I showed your dolls to my husband and his response was, "That's right in the middle of the Uncanny Valley, that is!" Apparently this is a reference to the uncomfortable feeling people get when confronted with a doll, wax figure, or robot that is a little too lifelike. So, I'm taking this to mean that he thinks the babies are as awesomely realistic as I do!
Ah, the uncanny valley. Yes, the uncanny valley reference is when something known to not be human looks very much human. And I take that as a compliment :D tell him thank you! I have 6 to get finished up that are in various stages of paining or getting hair. Here's to hoping the swelling and pain goes away enough to get to work super fast.

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