North Carolina

I'm liking the new location for the Fayetteville swap even though it's quite a bit further from my house. I got 8 eggs from Beth to put under my Araucana that has been begging for eggs all spring. 4 georgous olive egger eggs, 2 BLRW and 2 Lav Orp. Fingers crossed. At first I was aggravated by her broodiness until the girls from her last hatch started laying and now I can spare her. She's like an on demand incubator...leave a couple of eggs in the box and she'll be sitting them by that night. was a very productive day...DH finally finished organizing my sewing room which meant he was able to build/organize his movie library. Built the cat a scratching post (and yet she still uses my chair), mowed the lawn, weeded the garden, weed whacked, raked the coop, made shortbread, grilling chicken on the barbecue tonight and went and picked up our special milk. to sit back with some strawberry shortcake and coconut whipped cream...YUMMY!!

Oh, and since most of you know I am a sewing fiend, I thought I would share with you this BYC MUST watch the video and know that while I am a sewing fiend...I have NEVER done this for my chickens!! However, now that the thought is there....
I'm liking the new location for the Fayetteville swap even though it's quite a bit further from my house. I got 8 eggs from Beth to put under my Araucana that has been begging for eggs all spring. 4 georgous olive egger eggs, 2 BLRW and 2 Lav Orp. Fingers crossed. At first I was aggravated by her broodiness until the girls from her last hatch started laying and now I can spare her. She's like an on demand incubator...leave a couple of eggs in the box and she'll be sitting them by that night.
I like it there, too. Despite the lack of shade, there's a whole lot more space than in town. Shade can be provided. Space is harder to come by!

The sheepshed-chickenhouse conversion is advanced far enough that the younglings are moving in tonight.
The fencing between the pastures is cattle panel, which won't stop a bird, so that must be overlaid with chicken wire. In the meantime, the younglings will stay locked up getting used to the new digs, and the adults will join them next weekend. Hubby stapled cardboard over the nest boxes while the younglings settle in, so they don't start perching there. We'll take it down in sections once the adults move in. The only thing left for the building itself is paint, but we won't do that until that rough cut lumber seasons a bit more. It'll look rough for a bit.

I'm going to clip wings and dust every bird as it gets moved, just to be on the safe side. Everyone gets to start off fresh! (Which means, of course, that I have to do this in the dark tonight, which is best for moving the birds.
Bear in mind that it's not completely finished inside. There are minor things to do. There's no bedding in it yet, either. I'll take photos of the nestboxes once we open them up. And remember that it'll need painting! (You won't be able to forget!)'s at the front of the property, more or less. I know, nobody puts the chickens in the front, but these will be, since the building was already there!

The original sheepshed was a lean-to measuring 20 feet long and 8 feet deep. Then we came back and added another section on the front, of the same size, but just roof; no sides at all. It was just to add shaded area.'s the back of it. You can see that the old sheepshed was painted, but hubby inserted windows into the back wall. This is 20 feet across.

The side closest to the gate. We left the original 8' side intact, and used 2 x 4 wire to close in the second 8' section, for lots of air movement. For winter and hurricane season, we'll have shutters up to close it down. (Note that "we" means my hubby on all this labor!)

As you look through that door, you can see a door on the far side leading out, and one in the center of the building. It's got 2 x 4 wire separating it into two 10 x 16 sections.

This one is into the first section. The roll of wire is to overlay the stock panels with.

Both sides will get one more perch. the two sides are mirror images of each other, except the feed drum is on the near side and the water drum is on the far side.

Water buckets for today, as the waterers are in use. I'll bring them down tomorrow. The trash bag is still up from constuction, but will come down. Also have to put covers over the drum and barrel.

You can't see them, but there are 10 nest boxes behind Curtain Number 1.

One side of the duplex gets the back pasture...

And the other side gets the front pasture...

And yeah...hubby got a steak dinner today for completing it! (and I already mentioned the bantam housing I want next....
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I think my hatch is done. From the time the first hatched to the time the last hatched was 24 hours. That is why I like a good incubator with good circulation.

Daisy has ‎5 SL wyandottes, 2 blue copper marans, 2 black copper marans, and a brown mystery item out of a maran egg. 3 Marans eggs developed(I think) but never pipped. They will stay in the bator till tomorrow, then I will carefully open to see what happened and when.

I took a couple pictures today. I kept them in the broody box, but with it so hot today they were not under their mother. Tomorrow they may get to go out for a bit. I will post the pics once I go back out and find my camera.
That will wait a couple hours. I am hunger, hot, sweaty, and heading for the shower.

Hello all!

I'm in Wilmington and new to raising chickens. I have 3 eggs in the bator and an old kids playhouse that i'm going to turn into a coop.
Glad to have you here!! I live in Hampstead!! Where in Wilmington do you live? We are fairly new to chickens, only about 9 months. Be careful of the chicken math!!! We also started with 3 and quickly rose to 50ish!!!! You will enjoy this forumn, lots of nice folks and great information.


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