North Carolina

So I assume if you are selling the pairs and trios as day olds that they can be sexed at birth?

Yes, at this time the cockerels will all be black/choc splits, all the pullets will be solid chocolate therefore identifiable by gender at hatch. My girls are going to be bred to the best American line there is just as soon as they start laying. I will start showing one of the choc pullets this fall here in NC just to start getting them out. I am not going to breed them to complete UK standard as I want to be able to show them.
Good Morning Everyone!

Sorry to have missed WCA, but I'm intending on coming next weekend! I've got a Buff Orpington roo and some lavender cockerels to pass on! And hopefully not bring anything home.

Scott, you may have heard a Guinea pig called a cavvy.

Went to the Art Institute of Chicago yesterday with my sis, who is an art professor. I was a disappointing companion. I'm far more interested in antiques of practical usage than paintings and sculptures that only the rich would ever have owned or had done of themselves. She really wanted to "educate me", but I started talking about the biological and agricultural aspects of some of the paintings, so she finally gave up.
I did get her to look at the collection of pikes and pole axes as weapons that had been used in past battles and killed people, and got her to notice the dents in armour, instead of just looking at the styles from one country to the next. Sometimes I wonder how we managed to grow up together and be so different. Regardless, it was fun...more for her than me as I don't like driving in big cities, and my GPS couldn't work there with al the skyscrapers. I literally could not see the sky while driving. That bothered me. I'm most definitely a country girl!

Back to Athens, Georgia today to take Sis home, then home Tuesday.

Enjoy the day, everyone!

Yes!! You are so right Meg! I know both, names but just could not picture a Guinea pig in my mind to save me.
Good Morning Everyone!

Sorry to have missed WCA, but I'm intending on coming next weekend! I've got a Buff Orpington roo and some lavender cockerels to pass on! And hopefully not bring anything home.

Scott, you may have heard a Guinea pig called a cavvy.

Went to the Art Institute of Chicago yesterday with my sis, who is an art professor. I was a disappointing companion. I'm far more interested in antiques of practical usage than paintings and sculptures that only the rich would ever have owned or had done of themselves. She really wanted to "educate me", but I started talking about the biological and agricultural aspects of some of the paintings, so she finally gave up.
I did get her to look at the collection of pikes and pole axes as weapons that had been used in past battles and killed people, and got her to notice the dents in armour, instead of just looking at the styles from one country to the next. Sometimes I wonder how we managed to grow up together and be so different. Regardless, it was fun...more for her than me as I don't like driving in big cities, and my GPS couldn't work there with al the skyscrapers. I literally could not see the sky while driving. That bothered me. I'm most definitely a country girl!

Back to Athens, Georgia today to take Sis home, then home Tuesday.

Enjoy the day, everyone!

Hollowoak, I have a lot in common with you and your sister: love the animals and though I live in small town, I should be a country girl! But, lol, I teach art and am going to Chicago in 2 weeks to study at the School of Art at the Chicago Art Institute so your sis and I share those loves! Thank goodness I don't have to drive there!
Good morning.
I am up and getting things done today.
One of my roosters decided that the back of my calf looked good enough to bite. I now have a nice blood blister. (not pretty) Ugh and I have to wear a skirt to work today.
All of my RIR hens are getting bright red combs and waddles. Does this mean they should start laying soon?
We are planning on processing my roosters in the next few weeks. I just have to get a new freezer first. (mine died, it was a gift 14 years ago and it was used than so I am not complaining).
So if anyone know of one being sold or given away near Fayetteville, let me know.

Hope everyone's travels are safe and everyone has a great day.
I'm in Goldsboro. Our city council is currently writing a new ordinance to allow backyard chickens. If you are in the area, please call the city planners office and tell them to hurry up!
Cause I can hardly wait to get my little girls working!!!
I'm in Goldsboro. Our city council is currently writing a new ordinance to allow backyard chickens. If you are in the area, please call the city planners office and tell them to hurry up!
Cause I can hardly wait to get my little girls working!!!
and CONGRATULATIONS!! What do you have/planning on getting??

Good Morning Everyone...had a great storm last night...although I could swear that DD1 was up and calling me during the storm several time..nothing like jumping out of bed and rushing into a room to comfort a crying child...only to find out she's DEAD ASLEEP!! LOL. I guess I deserve it since I tried to go to bed EARLY for once. Bah!! Oh well!!

Chickens are out this morning, I did have to mourn for a toad they found by the sandbox...I love froggies...poor thing had no chance!! My BO Roo was SOOOOO sweet!! He was trying to "tear" it up into pieces and hand them out to his girls...It was sweet - that or I am a sap!! LOL Have a great day everyone!!
Getting my babies out this morning and all of a sudden I heard it! A cock-a-doodle-doo. I was not sure which coop it was coming from? Then I went and looked into the window of my silkies house. Yep my 3 month old white boy was becoming all grown up. I thought I heard him try yesterday. Is hit weird that I am proud chicken mama?:)
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Getting my babies out this morning and all of a sudden I heard it! A cock-a-doodle-doo. I was not sure which coop it was coming from? Then I went and looked into the window of my silkies house. Yep my 3 month old white boy was becoming all grown up. I thought I heard him try yesterday. Is hit weird that I am proud chicken mama?


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