North Carolina

Charlotte, NC Ballantyne area!
Hello new people!

Well, I've been tied up with canning and babying the duck. I had an awesome birthday on Friday with hubby taking me to a movie. I was going to goto the beach on Saturday but I couldn't leave Lily for that many hours since I'm still hand feeding her and redressing her wounds twice a day. So we made a park trip and then came home and sat in the sprinkler! Man, I loved doing that as a kid.

As for Lily, she is recovering much better then I had hoped. I know everyone kept telling me how awesome they do, and how they can recover and not to give up hope. I have to say I was worrying myself day in and day out she wasn't going to pull through. There was one set back after another and I was ready to drop to the floor crying for one reason or another each day. Last night I took her dressings off and let her swim in a soapy tub to relax. She just rested he head on my arm and kept bumping my hand to pet her. For a duck I didn't handle too much before, she sure does enjoy a good cheek rub and a game of tug of war. I can't believe how playful she was. I had a purple sponge floating around the tub and she'd attack it, if I picked it up she'd latch on and whip it around like a dog until I dropped it and then she'd attack it again. When I threw the sponge out of the tub, she'd come back over to me and start rubbing her head to my hand until I started rubbing her cheek again. I finally have faith we're going to pull through this.

.: insert sigh of relief :.
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I am home from my trip and glad to be here. There's no place like home! The Boys were excited to see me, especially my Jake. It's nice to be missed. (Haven't seen hubby yet; he's still at work.)

Hubby seems to have done a good job putting the proper eggs into lockdown. We'll see what hatches!

Off to unpack all my stuff, and work on putting my newest loom together!
to all the new folks.

Vfem......... Happy B-day and glad Lily is on the slow road to recovery.

Welcome home Hollow and RF & CSB....happy 1/2 way there !

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