North Carolina

Good Morning, Everyone!

Seriously slept in this morning. There's nothing like your own bed after hotels.

The missing turkey poult did not show up this morning, so I have to go walkabout and see what's happened to it if I can.

Was really looking forward to WCA this weekend, but with these temps I'm thinking that I won't go at all. I won't take anything to sell, and I don't think I want to buy any heat-distressed birds, either. So I'm just going to stay home. I'll go the following weekend, I guess.

Have a good day everyone. Safe travels to CSB and RF.
Well I hope I am ready for the heat. I am worried about them for Saturday and Sunday the worse. I bought 2 misting fans, have regular fan, and a couple of 2 litter bottles froozen. Only problem with the misting fans I can only get 2 run areas and I have 3. I think I need to buy another mister and lots of hose to run it to the other run area.
Well the dynamics of my flock are complicated enough to keep me busy. What started out as a small chicken tractor with 6 to 8 hens has grown to a chicken tractor with 2 pullets..should start laying in the next 2 weeks or so, a modified brood box in the tractor run with 3 juvie araucana/EE s in it supposedly acclimating to flock, and a brooder proper with 8 almost 2 week old BO chicks growing so sweet and beautiful. Hope by the time the BO's are ready to come out of the brooder the Arauca's will be in the flock and we can just rotate. However the problem is I have 4 + 3 + 8 = 15 chickens in a tractor built to hold no more than 8. Already have 2 roos that need to be rehomed, at least 1 of the Araucanas is a roo
(the prettiest one of all) and no telling how many of these BO's are roos. I want to keep 1 BO roo!
Help! Hubby is threatening to kill the neighbor if he shows up with another critter of any kind, most especially of the fowl kind and then kill me for not saying NO!

Hope everyone stays cool today, my chickens stay under their house in the hottest part of the day, I make sure their water is cold that they have plenty and try to put some panels up to give them extra shade. I think I am gonna try to relocate the little chick brooder to the shade of the apple tree this afternoon, they are currently on the porch and get direct sun, since they are getting older they don't need that much heat. Though it was 50 degrees here this morn!

Have a great day all!
Good Afternoon Everyone!!
I spent my morning TRYING to blow up a pool that DH bought for the girls. We have a foot pump (made for tires and small things) that I spent 10 minutes working on my calves apparently because it did NOTHING to the pool!! It's not a HUGE pool it's one of those 108" things that's big enough for a few toddlers to jump around in and make a mess (big enough for a mom to sit in and maybe get her legs wet)...After 10 minutes, I gave up and decided that DH is going to either have to figure out what I am doing wrong, or come up with a way to get it pumped up before this weekend!! LOL.
Chickens are hanging out under the deck and I have misted down the deck area to help keep it a tad bit cooler for them. I will go back out in a little bit to make sure they are doing okay...I am worried as this is my first year of having babies AND adults in this kind of heat!!
Praying for everyone's chickens/animals to make it through the weekend heat!!

Have a wonderful day all!!
I have bottles of water in the freezer that I can put in the run for everyone to sit on, lay against, roll around, whatever floats their boat. I've got a mister that hooks up to the hose and a fan too. I bought the packets of electrolytes for their water and I'll be putting open frozen water bottles into their waterer too to keep the water cold. This is my first heatwave with chickens so I hope I'm doing it all right!
Thanks for more ideas, People. I'm making block ice to put in the automatic waterers, too.

With a lovely day like today, where I didn't even need to turn the a/c on, it's hard to believe what's coming.
Got a house... The house.. Will be living in Pittsboro, nc starting in august. Chickens will have a new home! And I can have a rooster or two!
I have a huge favor to ask. Does anyone in NW NC have and bantam phoenix for sale? Or any long tailed breed, honestly. My only two remaining Phoenix eggs died today. One after fully zipping, one in shell, and I am heartbroken
. I've never cried over losing eggs before these two babies. It was the one breed I had my heart set on adding to my flock, and it would have been the prettiest baby. I can't afford to have babies shipped from breeders away from here, and the hatcheries are mainly out of them for the year (plus, I would rather have good quality).

If anyone knows of anyone around here (I'm in the Caldwell/Catawba County area) knows of anyone, PLEASE let me know.

Thank you
Well, lost Tuffy yesterday apperently.:( DH doesn't know what happened. But everything else seems to be fine. On the other hand the trip to CA was great and the visit so far is great.

I hate this tablet thing that DH sent me with, it keeps fixing the words I want to ones it wants, which ain't right.

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